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  • Ahmadinejad is on one
  • billysugger
    Free Member

    He’s got em squirming again.

    To be fair to him it must be tricky to speak to a room when most people are leaving.

    He’s got good teeth

    Free Member
    Free Member

    He makes some good points.

    Free Member

    Kill him 🙂

    Full Member

    Shouldn’t this be in the bike forum?

    Free Member

    He is making some fairly acute observations whilst clearly being a Jew hating nut job.

    It’s pretty shit that people walk out on him. Shows how blinkered the west is to other points of view.

    Free Member

    Nasty little squit who sanctions the hanging of teenagers and women for crimes they did not commit, the torture of those who are imprisoned for not agreeing with him and using innocent tourists in his childish little political maneuvres.

    Holocaust denier who tries to imply that the USA slaughtered it’s own citizens (amongst others) on “9/11”.

    He should feel glad they just walked out on him and didn’t queue up to punch his ***ing lights out.

    Free Member

    He is making some fairly acute observations whilst clearly being a Jew hating nut job.

    It’s pretty shit that people walk out on him. Shows how blinkered the west is to other points of view.

    Pretty much sums it up

    using innocent tourists

    Knowing how unpopular the USA are in that part of the world you’ve got to be a bit of a **** to choose it as your backpacking destination

    Free Member

    Pretty much sums it up

    Not really.

    Knowing how unpopular the USA are in that part of the world you’ve got to be a bit of a **** to choose it as your backpacking destination

    Oh well, that’s O.K., then.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit, as someone who’s company does business with Iran I’m very much aware of the realities of life within the country.

    Ahmadinejad is at best quirky and at worst a mentalist but on a day to day basis it is a pleasant and enjoyable place to be and visit with gracious, welcoming people who DO have the freedom to debate despite the propaganda you see on western television.

    Given that last night a man was executed in the USA despite the fact that all the witnesses have withdrawn their statements maybe we should address our own legal systems first.

    With regards to the tourists they remain ****.

    Free Member

    Knowing how unpopular the USA are in that part of the world you’ve got to be a bit of a **** to choose it as your backpacking destination

    Aw jeez, not this **** again.

    Free Member

    DO have the freedom to debate despite the propaganda you see on western television.

    How come the “Propaganda” is confirmed by witnesses who have managed to escape abroad? Where is the political opposition? Why were there mass demonstrations against the government, until they were put down by armed government thugs, as recorded on youtube by the participants and why have the protests ceased whilst the situation remains unchanged?

    Given that last night a man was executed in the USA despite the fact that all the witnesses have withdrawn their statements maybe we should address our own legal systems first.

    Point. Although that’s not “our” legal system, of course.

    With regards to the tourists they remain ****


    Free Member

    Edit the repeat of post.

    Full Member

    He’s actually too stupid to realise that he’s just a perfect pantomime villain for the American Right who are as clinically insane as he is.

    He is the yin to Dubya’s/Sarah Palin’s yang

    Free Member

    despite the fact that all the witnesses have withdrawn their statements

    I don’t pretend to know anything about this case, but this statement is not a fact, 7 out of 9 apparently have withdrawn their testimony. I don’t have any clue what that withdrawn testimony was. For all I know it might be testimony to his good character. As always, without knowing the details of the case its impossible to make any meaningful comment.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit we’ll have none of that sensible, non-reactionary talk on here

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