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  • 360 game problem (need for speed most wanted freezing).
  • racefaceec90
    Full Member

    just bought the game today from morrison’s but the game is constantly freezing. have installed it to the hard drive (and the disc is spotless) but the game is freezing constantly.

    any ideas as to why it is doing this/remedies?

    thanks in advance 🙂

    Full Member

    It’s broken?

    Did you ever get your Internet connection sorted or is your 360 still on system software from the late Jurassic?

    Full Member

    have sky broadband now 🙂

    no idea why it’s doing this tbh (can play other games fine/destiny being the newest game).

    Full Member

    If the system is up to date and there’s no game updates outstanding, I can only assume it’s faulty. Not a lot else it can be. Worth swapping anyway, to at least rule it out.

    Free Member

    Or put the controller down and go ride your bike…..

    Full Member

    … says a man on the Internet rather than riding his bike.

    Free Member

    Who’d just walked in from a cheeky 6ml Singletrack Cougar 😛
    And promptly went straight back out climbing 😀

    Full Member

    Try clearing the cache, works on mine when I start getting game glitches. Also mine now freaks out with external drives or flash on a couple of games.

    Full Member

    Or put the controller down and go ride your bike….


    Free Member

    And promptly went straight back out climbing

    And promptly went straight back out climbing And had to sit by the computer desperately resisting the urge to respond to any other posts for 4 hours to make it look like he really went out….

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