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  • 3 months and still no job
  • jedi
    Full Member

    its pretty bleak in the telecoms world.

    Free Member

    I think in this economy climate it might take longer but just keep trying.


    Full Member

    It’s pretty bleak in the chemistry world too Tony but look on the bright side – more time to ride!
    I’ve only been out of work for a month, I hope I don’t have to wait 3 months. All the best.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear that

    It was you that got done for laptop use wasn’t it – did you ever appeal ?

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear you’ve had no luck yet Jedi.

    Free Member

    That is sad indeed 🙁

    But sadder still, are some of the muppets on here, who argue that the way to get you back to work is to slash your benefit payments.

    Try not to be too despondent, you’ll eventually find something – but hold out until you find a job which deserves your skills.

    Good luck 😐

    Free Member

    have you thought about starting your own business? if you can build up a business in this climate then you’ll reap the rewards by the time the country gets back on its feet 🙂

    Full Member

    still looking at skatepark opening.

    yeah appeal failed

    Free Member

    Hey Jedi, are you looking overseas for contract roles?
    I’m sure you are but there’s likely some short term stuff in Dubai etc (seems there always is).
    If you’re a trade person (i.e. can use a saw, screwdriver, etc) then check out Aus, at the moment the crunch hasn’t hit too hard, but it will – but hey, get a working holiday visa for a year, pop over (if you can afford it) and start going for a trade role.
    And as for getting over here, well, personally I’d be looking for something courier esq.
    Of course this is all pipe-dreams, but then if you’re thinking about the opportunities you’ll not miss them when they come, and I’m sure they will!

    Good luck!

    Full Member

    started loking at canadian telecom companys

    Full Member

    That’ll be Vancouver be based companies I’m guessing.
    Hope something turns up soon Tony.
    Job finding vibes sent.

    Full Member

    Fair few telecoms roles here but it is a verrrry long commute for you 🙂

    Free Member

    Same here, been unemplyed since December, but I’m stuck in Melbourne…can’t even find work in a shop/bar (certificates and kids taken all the work)!!

    Fingers crossed for the next couple fo weeks, otherwise I’m off home to Wales and rain. Gutted.

    Free Member

    credit crunch has hit oz, thats where all the raw materials come from the make the stuff noone can afford to buy. Why not take the opertunity to do something completely different for a bit

    Full Member

    Plenty of jobs in Vancouver Tony, even with the downturn in the economy. Even I’ve got one :-0

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear that….I got made redundant beginning of this yr, but was on gardening leave from mid-December.
    No luck yet…..it seems very slow. Even the recruitment agents seem quite pessimistic at the moment, which is quite worrying.

    There are jobs out there; just not in the areas that I have experience in! Typical!

    Free Member

    Even the recruitment agents seem quite pessimistic at the moment, which is quite worrying.

    I’m surprised that people are surprised that us recruitment consultants are pessimistic in the current climate, even more surprised at the faces people pull when I explain the lack of opportunities available at the moment at all levels.

    If thousands are being made redundant in the UK why on earth would anyone expect Employment Agencies to be overflowing with vacancies?

    Full Member

    i got an interview tuesday 🙂

    Free Member

    nice one

    Full Member

    Kingtut…I made the comment as normally recruitment agents are full of optimism and general ‘you’ll find something’ enthusiasm. I was trying to get across that it is obviously pretty bad out there if the recruitment agents are noticeably downbeat….that was all.

    Jedi….nice one. Good luck!!

    Free Member

    Kingtut…I made the comment as normally recruitment agents are full of optimism and general ‘you’ll find something’ enthusiasm. I was trying to get across that it is obviously pretty bad out there if the recruitment agents are noticeably downbeat….that was all.

    I wasn’t having a pop at you personally or at anyone really, yes us recruiters are finding it tough.

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