Home Forums Bike Forum 2006 Giant Trance Suspension bearings

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  • 2006 Giant Trance Suspension bearings
  • votchy
    Free Member

    Any idea where I can get a set of bearings for my old mans’ 06 Trance other than BETD? Struggling to find them with Google. Don’t know the sizes or even quantities (BETD kit shows 10 bearings but there is only 4 pivot points!)

    Free Member

    giant dealer they can order them for you. and you get all replacement bolts and there is quiet a few bearings and you need a bearing removal tool and press like i do in my workshop.

    Free Member

    I got the BETD Trance kit, and 10 bearings sounds about right. There are 4 on the links, and one into the frame from the top link arm. The older ones may be a git to get out if they’ve crumbled apart. I made a bodgetastic tool to get mine out when it left the outer race in the link arm. Let me know if you have trouble getting them out, and I’ll bring it over to 546.

    Full Member

    Pretty sure mine is a 2006, possibly 2005

    I used the following as a guide

    Also found the following somewhere and ordered these specs (note this is 8 bearings, not 10 – don’t remember missing any):

    pivot bearing sizes/specs
    2 – 6900-2RS , 2 – 63800-2RS , 4 – 6902-2RS. FYI – the 63800 2rs is also known as a 6800B 2rs

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