Hillbomb: This Video May Induce a Midlife Crisis

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The latest movie from Utah based freeride crew In The Hills Gang is out. 44 minutes of freeride vibes, following in the tradition of the original Down trilogy that helped spawn the big branded freeride scene that we see today. And while the music – and some of the language – is NSFW, adults watching this may be distressed that they are not this young, this cool, or this talented on a bike. We take no responsibility for any midlife crises caused as a result of watching this video.

Maybe you’ll see this and think ‘meh, freeride’. In which case let me try and explain what it is about this film that got me out of bed this morning to share it with you.

One: I have trail envy. I can’t ride 90% of what I see in this film, but I can’t help thinking that maybe if I’d grown up with it on my doorstep, I too could be as cool and skilled as Barb Edwards. And I want to ride at Green River more than anywhere else in the world (that’s the big grey dusty Close Encounters hill thing in the video).

Two: it shows the process – the trying and failing, the digging, the cheering on with friends. It’s not just turn up and shoot some sick clips. There’s effort, and time spent putting into the trails (as well as ripping them).

Three: The stoke is high. These people look like they are having fun – a lot of it.

Four: The landscapes. I am moderately obsessed with the landscapes of the Western USA and this shows it off without being all slo-mo tourist board and sponsor shots.

Five: Dirt Bags. Please can I go back to being young, so I can skip the whole must-wear-a-suit-and-buy-a-sofa phase? JFDI while you’re young, do the thing, make it happen.

In a world of sponsored everything and squeezed budgets, we need more of these getting it done and having fun vibes. I’m off to practice my jibs on the way to the supermarket. Enjoy.

A year and a half of digging, riding, filming, and editing coming together for our best work yet – featuring riding from across the USA and segments from Navi Guerra, Asa Howe, Connor Worrall, Tate Young, Jeremy Schmidt, Aidan Howe, Barb Edwards, Will Stephens, Aiden Parish, Harper Simon, and Joe Cromwell. This is ITHG – the freeride underground. Thank you to 686, Shadow Conspiracy, Sensus, and YT Industries for the support, as well as everyone who had a part in bringing this all together.

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • Hillbomb: This Video May Induce a Midlife Crisis
  • hopefiendboy
    Full Member

    Not sure it would give me a mid-life crisis- more a mid-life realisation that a) I dont crash as well as I used to and b) the mrs would just roll her eyes and be scathing about it lol :-)

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