poke recipe

Singletrack Kitchen: Okay Poke Fish Recipe.

by 3

The first thing you need to know is that “poke” is pronounced “pow – kay”. Okay? It’s from the Hawaiian word for “slice”. So that makes this a bowl of sliced food. Traditionally it would be served with roughly cut chucks of octopus but try finding that in your local Asda. Having said that after eating roasted octopus in Italy Hannah told me “You should not eat things smarter than yourself”! She may well be…

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Charlie Hobbs

Merch & Marketing Manager at Singletrack

Grumpy, happy, hairy, overweight and awesome. I started riding offroad in 1978, and never stopped. I was once Charlie The Bikemonger, I invented orienBEERing, the Clunker Classic, and the Dorset Gravel Dash. I own the Bum Butter brand and I'm a co-owner of Dirt Dash Events. I also work at Singletrack, I have the self-appointed job title of "Overlord of the leftovers" and look after the merch shop, and marketing. Other interests include skateboards, surfboards, motorbikes, and cooking (I invented the Beefer Reefer).

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Home Forums Singletrack Kitchen: Okay Poke Fish Recipe.

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  • Singletrack Kitchen: Okay Poke Fish Recipe.
  • charliedontsurf
    Full Member

    I take that statement about buying octopus in Asda back… I just bought some in Lidl !!!

    Full Member

    Best octopus I’ve eaten was from the cafe at Copenhagen Aquarium. Fresh!

    p.s. great sounding recipe, will give it a try out 😋

    Full Member

    Made this last night. Splendid recipe.

    I did substitute couscous for the grated cauliflower due to seasonal availability and well, the  desire to not have grated cauliflower.

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