Just a hint of what’s in this episode…
A Red Bull Race Series? Mark Wallace, Mille Johnset and Angel Suarez Team Rumours. Wyn bending the plate in his arm. Why was Ronan Dunne riding gloveless at Hardline? Greg Williamson and Sam Blenkinsop Team Rumours. The return of Sam Hill, Richie Rude and Brendan Fairclough? Wyn racing Loic’s dad. Camille Balanche taking her trailer test. The impossible question. Ronan’s incredible 2022 & who will he be riding for in 2023? Brook MacDonald cooking pasta. Enjoy…
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(video to follow next week, video fans!)
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Wyn Masters Gallery
Credit: Sven Martin

Credit: Jill Kintner

Ronan Dunne Gallery

The Making Up The Numbers podcast is sponsored by:
- Hope Technology www.hopetech.com @hopetech
- J-Tech Suspension www.j-techsuspension.co.uk @jtechsuspension
- Revolution Bike Park www.revolutionbikepark.co.uk @revolutionbp
- Ride Southern Spain www.ridesouthernspain.com @ridesouthernspain
- Schwalbe www.schwalbe.com @schwalbetyresuk
- Singletrack www.singletrackworld.com @singletrackmagazine
Previously on Making Up The Numbers Podcast
Season 4
- Episode 9 | Bernard Kerr
- Episode 8 | Vali Hoell & Thibaut Daprela
- Episode 7 | Amaury Pierron & Magnus Manson
- Episode 6 | Luca Shaw
- Episode 5 | Flo Payet & Camille Balanche
- Episode 4 | Danny Hart & Dakotah Norton
- Episode 3 | Fort William Special
- Episode 2 | Loic Bruni
- Episode 1 | Matt Walker and Izabela Yankova