The DH World Cup is back in Fort William and George is on site, roaming the pits and talking to the riders ahead of the race about the track and their season so far.

Starring(in order of appearance):
- Meghan Flanagan
- Will Longden
- Jordan Williams
- Matt Walker
- Taylor Vernon
- Adam Brayton
- Thibaut Daprela
- Eleonora Farina & Olly Morris
- Brook MacDonald
- Luke Williamson
- Luca Shaw
- Jordi Cortes
- Jack Reading
- George Gannicott
- Dan Bladon
- Joe Krejbich
- Joe Breeden
- Dean Lucas
- DavidTrummer
- Abby Hogie
- Charlie Hatton
- Remi Thirion
- KJ Sharp
- Greg Williamson
- Amaury Pierron
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The Making Up The Numbers podcast is sponsored by:
- Hope Technology @hopetech
- J-Tech Suspension @jtechsuspension
- Revolution Bike Park @revolutionbp
- Ride Southern Spain @ridesouthernspain
- Schwalbe @schwalbetyresuk
- Singletrack @singletrackmag
Previously on Making Up The Numbers Podcast
Season 4
Season 3
- Episode 12 | Dean Lucas
- Episode 11 | Amaury Pierron
- Episode 10 | Benoît Coulanges and Emilie Siegenthaler
- Episode 9 | Vali Höll and Thibaut Dapréla
- Episode 8 | Loris Vergier
- Epidsode 7 | Greg Minnaar and Myriam Nicole
- Episode 6 | National DH Champs Special
- Episode 5 | Les Gets Special
- Episode 4 | EWS Special
- Episode 3 | Reece Wilson, Nina Hoffmann and Jamie Edmondson
- Episode 2 | MTB Training with Richie Rude and Todd Schumlick
- Episode 1 | Team Rumours Podcast! With Angel Suárez Alonso and Dakotah Norton.