Marzocchi will give you up to £100 cashback for your old fork, shock or dropper in any condition!

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Are you riding around with a squishy rear shock with uncontrollable rebound? Perhaps you have a dropper post that loves to drop, but isn’t really happy rising back to full extension? Or have you recently discovered that your ancient forks are leaking air from a grease nipple?

The options you have are either to repair your tattered old suspension and hope they hold for a little longer, or buy something fresh, shiny, new and reliable, but what about your old fork? Do you just chuck it in the bin?

You know your old fork doesn’t look as good as this.

No, of course not! What you could do is hand that pogo stick of a shock to Marzocchi who will happily offer you up to £100 cashback when purchasing a new Marzocchi fork, shock or post.

To ensure you receive your stack of cash you need to make sure you purchase a brand new 2019 Marzocchi fork, shock or dropper between 1st Feb and 30th April 2019 and that you have purchased it through an official stockist of the brand. If that all checks out you then need to hand in your old fork, shock or dropper, fill in a form, and wait for your £££ to arrive in your bank account.

And yes, they can be any make, model or condition!

Cash money!

The amount of cash back will depend on the type of product you trade in so for an old fork you’ll get £100 back, an old shock will bag you £75 and a decrepit dropper is worth £50 in the trade in.

Here’s the official spiel from Marzocchi importers Silverfish;

To claim your cash back follow the simple process below:

  • Buy a 2019 Marzocchi seatpost, shock or fork from an authorised UK stockist between 1/2/19 and 30/4/19
  • Complete and submit the claim form on the Silverfish website with a valid receipt and details of their trade-in product
  • We will refund the relevant amount (£50 / £75 / £100) to your UK bank account within 30 working days of receiving a valid claim

Read the full Terms and Conditions HERE.

Andi is a gadget guru and mountain biker who has lived and ridden bikes in China and Spain before settling down in the Peak District to become Singletrack's social media expert. He is definitely more big travel fun than XC sufferer but his bike collection does include some rare hardtails - He's a collector and curator as well as a rider. Theory and practice in perfect balance with his inner chi, or something. As well as living life based on what he last read in a fortune cookie Andi likes nothing better than riding big travel bikes.

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