Pedalling Ideas

Pedalling Ideas – New Cycling Event In Leeds

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If you’re on here, and you’re reading this, you probably quite like bikes. Reading about bikes – the technology, places to ride, adventures to have –  is probably part of what you what you enjoy about bikes. Our forum is perhaps testament to the fact that not everyone is surrounded by people who share their enthusiasm for discussing bikes and bike related (and – um – not bike related) things, but that talking about riding is something that many people like to do. It’s not just the physical act of riding that interests us.

So, how would you like to spend a weekend surrounded by people who share your interest in things on two wheels? And at the same time help raise money for charity? Because there’s an opportunity to do just that, thanks to Ian Street who has organised Pedalling Ideas: ‘a weekend of inspiring, interesting and entertaining talks that celebrate the ride.’

Duke Studios Pedalling Ideas
Duke Studios – the venue for Pedalling Ideas

The list of guest speakers includes Singletrack regulars Tom Hill, Adele Mitchell, Chris Garrison and Rachel Sokal; contributor Joolze Dymond; and bike designer turned Trouserman Brant Richards. With many other speakers already booked and more to be announced, it looks set to be a thought provoking and inspiring weekend.

Ian let us in on what he hopes will turn the talk into action, and also explains the name of the weekend: “The reason it’s called Pedalling Ideas is that I’m going to get each speaker to suggest their ‘Pedalling Idea’, which could be anything – to sleep out under the stars, race, explore, build etc.

“I want the people in the audience to be inspired and pledge to do something based on an idea that has sparked their interest or inspired them. Ideally, I’d like them to write about it or photograph it so I can put that up on the website  – so in that way the ideas can spread.”

Pedalling Ideas

So who is Ian Street? Well, he’s a Garage Bikes regular. “There’s a great community of riders based around the shop that Al and Sarah have really cultivated,” he says. “And I guess the atmosphere on the shop rides – all welcome etc – is something that I want to have at the event”. He doesn’t class himself as a bike obsessive though. “In fact I’m not a great rider, and can barely change a puncture! [we suspect a spot of modesty here – Ed] I enjoy riding but I also enjoy culture, stories, adventure, photography, reading… Pedalling Ideas will bring these things together using the bike as the medium for the stories that are going to be told.”

Ian claims that despite organising this event and the other bits of stuff he does he is inherently lazy. For someone who is lazy he does seem to get up to quite a lot: he’s previously set up an event in Leeds where he got two different types of long distance cycle tourists and authors to come and talk, and he runs a monthly film night – The Leeds Bicycle Film Club – which features bike-related films and documentaries.

Ian Street
From Ian’s Twitter feed

These events convinced him that maybe he could pull off the Pedalling Ideas event. He’d been mulling the idea over in his head for a while but after Jenn (Our late Deputy Editor) died it was a catalyst for him to say ‘lets give this a go’ and run it as a fundraiser for St Gemma’s Hospice, which helped Jenn so much.

So, if you like the sound of the event and would like to support St Gemma’s Hospice, there’s two things you can do. First up, you can buy a ticket – but don’t hang about, there’s only 100 of them available. Or, you can help Ian out with the event set up costs by becoming a sponsor. So, get on over and have a look.

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Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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