Own A Piece Of Issue 100

by 11

Last week we broke the tragic news about our deputy editor Jenn and her battle with cancer. Since then you’ve raised around £3000 in donations to Jenn’s chosen cancer charities through the sale of our Issue 100 mugs, signed cover prints and subscriptions. With £10 from print subs and £5 from digital subs (including all renewals) up to the 18th October, we estimate that this total will be around £6000. We explained that as well as the contributions from the sale of issue 100 merchandise we would be announcing how we were going to use the original Jo Burt issue 100 cover painting to raise further funds.

And after talking with both Jo and Jenn, here’s what we have come up with.


Rather than hold an auction that would end with a single winner and a single donation to Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support, we have decided to crowd fund collective ownership of the painting itself. Here’s how it works.

We will have the painting mounted and framed. On the mount itself the names of every person who contributes to the crowdfunding project will be printed. Every contributor will also receive a thank you letter plus the benefits listed below depending on the level of donations. The painting will be available to view by anyone who contributes at our office and we will display it at the various bike shows we attend over the coming year. All the cash raised (less mounting/framing costs & transaction charges) will be split equally between Jenn’s two chosen charities. We think this way stands the best chance of maximising the amount we can all raise while giving everyone a stake in the final painting.

Here are the crowdfunding options we are launching.

Donate £10 (148 left)

200 in total – We will add your name to the mount within the framed painting as well as list you in the Double Page Spread we will be running in issue 101

Donate £25 (SOLD OUT)

100 in total – As well as the above you will receive an A4 print of the painting

Donate £100 (31 left)

50 in total. As well as all the above you will receive an A3 print of the painting

Corporate/Business Option 1: Donate £500 (9 available)

10 in total. Get your company name and logo on the mount inside the frame PLUS a signed A3 print.

Corporate/Business Option 2: Donate £1000 (4 available)

5 in total. As well as the above have the opportunity to host the painting at your office for 1 month.

In summary

Everyone gets their name printed on the mount of the painting as well as being listed in our planned 2 page spread in issue 101.

You can make your donation and grab a piece of Singletrack magazine history by clicking the options above or clicking here to visit our painting crowd funding page.

The deadline for getting your name listed in issue 101 is October 14th. After that date you will still get your name on the mount but issue 101 will have gone to the printers.

Have a shufty at some close up images of Jo’s work.


Only the first three options are available directly on that page. Businesses should contact Sarah directly on sarah@singletrackworld.com to arrange their donation. We will update this page daily with the availability of each option indicated by the number in brackets above.

You can also contribute by ordering any of the following issue 100 items…




Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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