This is the first MET helmet I’ve used, and it’s dispelled a myth for me. I’m old enough to remember when you made your choice from a handful of helmet brands mainly on the basis of which one made their helmets in the right fit for you. Once you got a helmet to fit your long, round, narrow or fat head, you stuck with it, safe in the knowledge that helmets from the other brands would never fit.
Now, obviously, modern helmets have adjustable cradles and straps that have made this brand fit allegiance almost, but not quite, a thing of the past; but this MET takes it to another level. The adjustable cradle in this helmet not only features proper single-handed adjustment, for haircuts and skullcaps alike, but mounts in such a way that the cradle feels almost completely free from the shell. It is attached at points that mean the cradle really does, er, cradle your whole head. The result is a perfect fit every time, on my head at least, with no wobble. Oh, yes, it also has good enough vents, is light enough and looks great, but that’s true of all premium helmets these days, no?
A personal plus point for me is that this UL version of the Kaos has had all the padding stripped out, bar a gel forehead pad, relying on that properly adjustable fit rather than sweat-harbouring foam pads for comfort. Very good for us sweaty peeps, and fitting a sweatband or skullcap works better in this than other more padded, less adjustable helmets, too. The helmet comes in the ‘right’ colours – white for hot places, black for normal people, and a perfect blue for the rest of us.
Overall: A nice helmet that fits my head.
Review Info
Brand: | MET |
Product: | Kaos UL helmet. |
From: | MET UK, |
Price: | £110 |
Tested: | by Kelvin for Two months. |