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  • taxi customers wanting white drivers
  • anagallis_arvensis
    Full Member

    Can I insist on getting a curry delivered by a white person and not be racist?

    Free Member

    Nothing quite like a race thread to bring out the racists.

    Free Member

    Hmm, I don’t think it’s as clear cut as that. It’s more akin to ‘there’s nothing quite like a race thread to bring out all those that can’t wait to throw around terms like racism at folk attempting to explore the subject with a little more than just the obvious stance’. IMHO, of course.

    I’ve been on the receiving end of such claims, albeit done with ambiguity rather a direct accusation but it was there nonetheless. All because I didn’t spot the Golli or something, too. Ludicrous.

    Full Member

    No it brings out people too stupid to realise that socio economic and cultural differences between ethnic groups make child abusing scum bags act in different ways. An asian taxi driver cant get a job as a teacher at a boarding school or become a catholic priest can he.

    Free Member

    Edit: Re-read your post.

    Free Member

    After the Harold Shipman case did people start to request non white doctors?

    I’m just happy to be able to see a doctor ,dont really care what colour or ethnicity they are and I’m from the town where Harold practiced(and he was our family doctor until he was imprisoned).

    Regards racism ,having talked and worked with many people of asian descent other the years you will find that racism is rife within there own culture and not just towards Whites,a lot of Indians cannot stand Bengalis and vice versa.

    I know a Asian guy born and bred in Manchester who is fluent in Urdu,Hindi? and gets derogatory comments from the locals when he visits Pakistan, because they can pick out his accent as not being from there despite his colour and appearance.

    Full Member

    Yes cultural differences not racial and the child abusing scum bags are of a minority in all ethnic groups.

    Free Member

    you will find that racism is rife within there own culture

    So no-one has the monopoly on dickheads, then?

    Full Member

    Would maybe a white driver blacked up be ok then ?

    Free Member

    Would maybe a white driver blacked up be ok then ?

    Probably OK up to the point when there are various cases of blacked up white drivers running a paedophile slave ring of young girls.
    After that I would probably avoid trusting them with my kids.

    Free Member

    This is fallout from a situation that was not addressed correctly.

    There was an issue with how groups of men, who were of Pakistani descent and there attitude towards white females. They saw them as inferior and it was fair game to treat them as scum. This wasn’t addressed by the authorities for fear of being racist.

    The racist and right wingers feed on this and start to feed messages to the more moderate part of the community and you end up with knee jerk reactions like this one. All used to stir up further hatred.

    Free Member

    having talked and worked with many people of asian descent other the years you will find that racism is rife within there own culture and not just towards Whites,a lot of Indians cannot stand Bengalis and vice versa.

    You mean having dark skin doesn’t make you different ? Wow, I never knew that.

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