Can you hear that? If we strain our ears hard enough, we can just about make out the sound of the weekend coming around the bend.
Another week, another delivery from the posties and van delivery bods of a bulging sack of schwag...
Watch me, lube me, light me - and a nail in the coffin of high viz? It\'s time for our regular fix of new kit
We\'ve got a warm, waterproof and bright pick of products this week. You might almost feel good about winter after it..
We Grapil with the new bouncy bike from Genesis and check out Saint\'s little brother, plus a load of warm things for winter
A pair of big wheelers that we\'ve been raving about, we see the light, orange shorts to match our new orange spray gun (?) plus loads more new kit
Loads of rubber for tyre fetishists, a retro jersey and some more pretty wheels - time for lunch break kit lusting
Cunning lubricants from the Swiss, front pumpers from California and clothing from Scotland. All this and more await
When is a shrug not infuriating? When it\'s in FGF, that\'s when. Here\'s your weekly fix of gleaming new bike kit
We\'ve got punk rock wheels, shots of Blok, new chain devices, a selection of Mallets and more - it\'s time for your Friday fix
Metal manipulation magic, British armour, fibres of carbon and loads more - it\'s time for some product on a Friday
Big wheeled floating links, Sweet clothes well Crafted, canvas Camelbaks and more - it\'s time for your lunchtime bike hit
It\'s time to check out the pretty things - posh pedals, clothing for introverts, protection plus a new standard lands
It\'s Friday and it\'s time for Fresh Goods, where the whole bicycle world tunes in to look at shiny bits
We\'re On-One with some big wheels, there\'s a new tiny large person in the valley, clothes from Vaude and more..
We\'ve got our sticky mitts on the first Genesis Fortitude Race in the country, new rubber from Onza and more...
Fresh Goods Friday is actually Fresh Goods Thursday this week, although thanks to the wonders of the internet you still won’t get to read it until Friday. Blame editors zipping...