Grabs some autumnal gravel fun with the Falling Leaves Rough Ride

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Fans of challenging yet fun gravel/adventure/gnarmac/multi-terrain type rides rejoice, for there is another ride to add to the bulging gravel calendar… behold the Falling Leaves Rough Ride.

Looking good

Held in and around the little known, yet very awesome Churnet Valley and sneaking into the Southern edges of the Peak District, the Falling Leaves Rough Ride will be dishing out oodles of great woodland trails, quite lanes, gravel tracks, disused railway lines and more along the way.
On Sunday 28th October 2018 riders will be starting pretty much at the bottom of the hill from Alton Towers and tackling one of two route options; 75km & 42km (don’t be fooled by the distances, there’s some sturdy terrain involved so even the short route could take a while to complete).
“Sturdy terrain”

Thanks to the support of Spokes Bikeshop, Rourke Cycles, Vekta Velosport & Plant Cycleworks (all very fine local independent cycle retailers that you should check out) riders can expect two well stocked feed stops and supportive marshals on route, as well as an on-call mechanic to sort out any mechanical disasters.
Who doesn’t love a cap?

But wait, there’s more! Yes indeed there is… there are caps! Everyone will be getting a pretty sweet commemorative cycling cap for completing their ride. Oh, and there will be ride photos that will be free of charge…. And quality catering at the start/finish area from The Saddlerack who will also be handing out a complimentary finishers brew to the riders…. And probably some other free stuff too once we’ve worked that out. All for £23 (plus a small booking fee that we can’t get away from). Yeah, that’s value for ya.
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And here’s a somewhat shonky and shaky video of what’s in store

And another video that takes less time to watch yet is probably more entertaining.

Comments (1)

    Well it will have to be the short route for me (SS 26″ rigid mtb) but as long as I can get a lift from Newcastle (the Staffs one) to the start, I’m up for it.

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