You’re born, you live, you die. That’s it. There’s no ‘point’ or ‘meaning’
Hmm not sure I agree with that. I’ve been kicking around the idea of a set of natural moral absolutes without there being the need for a ‘god’ for a little while now.
My theory is along the ‘strong anthropic principle’ lines, i.e. that the universe is compelled to give rise to intelligent life that can observe it and colonise it.
The basic argument is that intelligent life, i.e. life that comprehend it’s own comprehension, must act in a way that promotes its own continuity and that of other species, as far as possible.
If we act in a way that is agaisnt that principle, then effectively you’ve broken the moral imperative.
Simples. No need for a god and yet the governing laws require us to obey quite a few of the ten comandments.