Are you new to this WCA?
Seeing as most of the humorous and to be expected answers have been done, I’ll tell you what I do…..
Erm, get to bloody know her then you wouldn’t need to ask! 😉
I’ll always ask her if there’s anything specific she wants, if I haven’t logged anything over recent months that I have guessed she’ll want. On occasions my pressies will be nothing outstanding, others she will be telling friends and family about for months – there will usually be a degree of my own thought process and effort involved though. When she does say ‘nothing’ it usually ends up in me being a bit more creative than normal.
One of the most successful was a set of clues stashed round the house that ended up with her finding a card with some special words in and tickets to a West End show and a weekend in London. Didn’t take much doing, but it was something I new she wanted, wasn’t expecting and went down really well.