My wee lad has been having great fun today on his trike, so I got out his balance bike to measure him up. He’s still a bit short for it, his feet are a couple of inches off the ground with the saddle at its lowest setting (I bought it early as I spotted one at a bargain price… and ’cause I can’t wait until he starts riding).
So after he went to bed this evening I popped out to the garage to see what bits of scrap wood I had lying around…
The two pencil lines show the 5cm or so the saddle needs to be dropped.
20130330_165110[/url] by W Hyde[/url], on Flickr
Seat post sketched out.
20130330_165621[/url] by W Hyde[/url], on Flickr
Saddle traced from the original.
20130330_194340[/url] by W Hyde[/url], on Flickr
No pics of the intermediate stages, but a few minutes with a jig saw and sander produced this, in the vice ready to round off the edges with the router.
20130330_211118[/url] by W Hyde[/url], on Flickr
The finished article… almost. Some minor burn marks where I paused with the router while I moved round the workpiece. They’ll probably sand off but I’m thinking of painting the saddle red to match the grips and spokes anyway 🙂
20130330_213549[/url] by W Hyde[/url], on Flickr
The end product:
20130330_213531[/url] by W Hyde[/url], on Flickr
Now I just have to wait until the morning to check if I made it at the right height! In my haste I may have guestimated a bit, but adjusting should be a case of drilling a couple of new holes in the seat post. It’s a mere trifle compared to some of the stuff on this thread but I’m quietly chuffed with myself 8)