Nothing wrong with the bike. It will cope just fine with anything at a trail centre and anything else you fancy riding as well for that matter.
The wheelsize debate must be pretty confusing to anybody new to the game. The simple fact is that, at the moment, nobody has a clue which size(s) will emerge as the dominant standard and most people are just desperately trying to defend whatever size they’ve plumped for. As the video said, “just pick a size then be a dick about it.” 🙂
The pace of change is pretty daunting though. For years there was just 26″ then we had a slow growth of the 29er. Then a tsunami of 650b and we’re already starting to see the backlash with the first articles calling for a return to 26″. Anybody who really believes they can call this one is either being very selective about the evidence they read or should be focussing on next week’s lottery numbers.