Just ignore the other one in there, unless it makes any loud noises in which case just kick it and give it another layer of gaffer tape. Don’t judge me okay.
I remember when Thepurist used to keep me in a cage. Just some sawdust on the floor and shreded rags for a bed…….be warned, he’ll toss you aside as soon as some other person falls asleep climbing into his home 🙁
Mr HammyUK . Who are you stalking with a camera and a guitar in launderettes 😯 . I know it’s not me 🙁
Love Willow and Tara. Glad you are ok after your Curry
It took until tonight to grow the intestinal fortitude to get it out of the freezer and heat it up.
It was rather an anticlimactic experience, as it happens.
Is disappoint.
The intestines may tell a different story in the morning, though. Possibly a good thing it’s not my garden your tent is sitting at the bottom of…
Mr HammyUK . Who are you stalking with a camera and a guitar in launderettes
I’ve no idea who or where he was stalking but the still from the video does make me consider that buying a washing machine was the worst money I ever spent.