Thanks all. You haven’t actually been that helpful. You were supposed to be confirming my decision to bin it. Instead you’ve rekindled my enthusiasm for it.
As it happens I do very occasional kayak camping trips, always to a pebble beach. I hadn’t really considered the advantages of the Trangia in that case (especially stability – I lost a hot chocolate last week) – so I’ll be using it for that from now on.
Also kids will be doing DoE in a few years (I hope) and shared between several kids it will make a lot of sense. (I hadn’t considered that, so thanks.)
I knew I wasn’t quite comparing lige for like, but this thread has really reinforced that. The trangia has two pots and a frying pan. That’s not really comparable with a single mytimug.
So partial thanks to STW, you’ve failed to help me clear out my garage, but you’ve provided some pretty good reasons to hang on to a much loved item.