• This topic has 1,834 replies, 287 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by kelvin.
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  • Thoughts with the Queen and her family.
  • neilnevill
    Free Member

    How long do we think/guess that Charles will stay? He’s been in waiting all his life and probably wants to do a stint, but he’s 73 and probably many people think William is ready and a fresh monarchy with a generational change is needed. Then again plenty say no monarchy is needed.

    Full Member

    So that’s Monday the 19th then.
    Come on, keep the schools open! I need this day to mourn and err spend the day in the countryside.

    Full Member

    The funeral’s an interesting one actually – I’ve consciously swerved the coverage of all the major royal things since Diana’s funeral. But this one, I dunno, part of me thinks I might/should watch from the historical significance angle.

    Free Member

    the royal family brings in tourism,

    Absolutely. I mean Paris is devoid of tourists after what the French did to their Royal family.

    Full Member

    I think it is good to see different opinions here.
    My views are it is always sad when someone dies but I don’t have any special feeling on the occasion.
    I have sympathy for the family. They live in a privileged yes but very weird bubble. The Queen worked hard but I don’t think she was ever a good Mam/Mum/Mother in the sense that most of us had or wanted. I think it will be a difficult process for her kids to go through.

    Free Member

    “The Queen worked hard!”Lolz

    Full Member

    All the world leaders will have to attend the funeral, London’s gonna be a busy place. How soon after do they have the coronation? You’d want it the next day as all the commonwealth leaders would likely attend that too and they’ll still be in the country.

    Full Member

    Its been interesting reading this because there are viewpoints expressed that are alien to me. Its always good to see differing views. Its one of the things i find valuable on this site.

    Free Member

    The Windsor brand has been very well marketed for decades. I’m quite interested as to seeing how this next fortnight goes and as to whether they can cement Charles into the same spot in the country’s psyche.

    Free Member

    “The Queen worked hard!”Lolz

    say what you like about her, she had impeccable PR 😉

    Full Member

    Not a chance – Charles is damaged goods to many. He’s not going to attract the same level of attention the Queen did.

    Full Member

    How soon after do they have the coronation?

    It’ll be ages after. It was about a year IIRC between the Queens ascension and coronation.

    Free Member

    Not a chance – Charles is damaged goods to many. He’s not going to attract the same level of attention the Queen did.

    Maybe I should have said ‘start to cement’.

    However, he did rather well following Dianna’s death, appearing with his wedding ring rather prominent for TV and press appearances. He was definitely the grieving husband not the cheating ex after that.

    Not sure it takes much to turn public perception if you have the PR might of the royal family.

    Full Member

    What is quite funny, is the amount of haters for Charles and Camilla, even among the Daily Heil readers. They do not get that he is now their King and Camilla is Queen Consort. Thems the rules!

    I started wondering if the spivvery and shitbaggery in Westminster will go (even more 🙄) unchecked now, as previously they might at least have felt they had to show some deference to the Queen, if only to keep the DM readers on side. Now it’s Charles and Camilla, will the Tories care quite so much?

    (I realise my argument is massively undermined by the fact that ‘due deference’ didn’t stop BoJo lying to her, or Theresa May obliging her to meet Trump, but still).

    This did result in a dawning comprehension of what the Queen meant to the country, maybe a sort of link back to the sort of Britain a lot of people either think we still are (decent, chivalrous, important) or wish we could be again, even if they misdirect this yearning in strange ways e.g. Brexit etc.

    Full Member

    I’m also proud to be a member of the emergency services so my whole working life has had connections to the Queen.

    Me too. I don’t see it as a connection to the crown

    I once provided medical cover for the Queen though.

    Free Member

    Different service to me then drac

    Full Member

    “She can be a bit cantankerous but she’s got a great sense of humour”

    Free Member

    How long do we think/guess that Charles will stay?

    My gut feeling says that I will see two coronation in this life, whether that’s a good or bad sign I don’t know.

    Three more coronation at best but if they survive it will be forever, there is a dark force looming.

    Full Member

    Different service to me then drac

    Probably but I get the medals. I just don’t see it that way.

    Full Member

    It took me buy surprise that I felt a little emotional about it but I’ve never taken much interest in the royal family other than my Dad (in his 80s now) watched the Queen’s speech at Christmas without fail, I think its the most important part of Christmas for him.

    Have never felt much sadness at the passing of a famous person before. I don’t take much interest in famous people/celebrities.

    Some people watch a movie and cry. Maybe this is something almost like an intermittently watched movie that’s been running for 70 years?

    Free Member

    He’s been in waiting all his life and probably wants to do a stint, but he’s 73 and probably many people think William is ready and a fresh monarchy with a generational change is needed.

    I agree. I hope he does a short bit but then hands it over* to William and Kate who, I think, will do a great job.

    * partly because of this:

    Charles is damaged goods to many.

    Free Member

    Don’t really see how any royalist could object to Charles, I mean the whole point of having a monarch is that it’s a hereditary position that makes no reference to how suitable or otherwise the current inhabitant of that position may happen to be.

    If you don’t support Charles because he’s shit, you don’t support the concept, full stop.

    Free Member

    If you don’t support Charles because he’s shit, you don’t support the concept, full stop period.

    Free Member

    Jekyll, BBC saying funeral probably 10-11 days time, BH, schools closed.

    B******, I won’t get an extra days holiday allowance, and I’ve already taken my annual leave, so that’s a day unpaid.

    I think my sympathy just ran out.

    Free Member

    BBC currently reporting that history has actually stopped. If this is how they are reporting things on Day 1, where do they go in the next 10 days?

    Mad rush for commemorative papers this morning – saw a few people bulk buying them.

    R6 is trying to play the game, but I am not sure Amy Winehouse is in the true spirit of miserablism.

    Day off for me also means no pay.

    Free Member

    Have never felt much sadness at the passing of a famous person before. I don’t take much interest in famous people/celebrities.

    Same here as with many in commonwealth nations.

    I agree. I hope he does a short bit but then hands it over* to William and Kate who, I think, will do a great job.

    Not easy for Will and Kate because there is a dark force, you know who, that will challenge them. Importantly Kate needs to be strong as she needs to support the Kings.

    B******, I won’t get an extra days holiday allowance, and I’ve already taken my annual leave, so that’s a day unpaid.

    I think my sympathy just ran out.

    Your routine being disrupted?

    Full Member

    there is a dark force, you know who, that will challenge them

    Voldemort? Darth Sidious?

    Free Member

    As we enter day two of ten, I just want to share some of the wonderful memories.
    There was the time she saw some cows at an event and said ‘cows’.
    There was another time when she was with Mr Trump and he acted slightly disrespectfully.
    Wonderful memories. I’m sure there are others.

    Free Member

    Voldemort? Darth Sidious?

    If you want to call it that way.

    The dark force will come from within the family.

    Full Member

    Not easy for Will and Kate because there is a dark force, you know who, that will challenge them. Importantly Kate needs to be strong as she needs to support the Kings.


    Full Member

    there is a dark force, you know who, that will challenge them.

    Have you not had your Windows Updates this week?

    Or are you being racist?

    Free Member


    No need to understand. If you don’t get it you won’t. Not important. Just my opinion.

    Have you not had your Windows Updates this week?
    Or are you being racist?

    ??? Racist? You read too much into that. Didn’t cross my mind at all. Dark force is just negative energy that can come from everywhere but the strongest is usually within.

    Full Member

    Now I’m officially pissed off. A social bike ride that was planned for tomorrow has been called off as a mark of respect.

    I mean, whit??

    Full Member

    BBC saying funeral probably 10-11 days time, BH, schools closed.

    Ha, look after you own kids suckers, wait hang on doesn’t someone have to look after mine, I am a key worker!

    Free Member

    Dark force? Oh, can we now be all 70’s and start posting clips from love thy neighbour?

    Full Member

    How long do we think/guess that Charles will stay?

    I wondered that earlier. I have a mental image of, you know the scene in Superman III where Evil Superman straightens the Leaning Tower of Piza, the tourist tat-seller bloke has all his models remade and then Good Superman tilts it back over again? That, only with William on the throne and a bloke in the Royal Mint looking at a huge pile of King Charles pound coins.

    there is a dark force, you know who, that will challenge them

    The Daily Mail?

    Free Member

    Absolutely. I mean Paris is devoid of tourists after what the French did to their Royal family.

    Whenever folk talk about the benefit to tourism of the Monarchy I always reply with “you’ll be gobsmacked when you learn about Versailles”.

    Free Member

    If you’re waiting on parcels I’ve just read some good news that out of respect for the queen those lazy posties have decided to go into work today.

    Full Member

    The dark force will come from within the family.

    What are you on about?

    Now I’m officially pissed off. A social bike ride that was planned for tomorrow has been called off as a mark of respect.

    I mean, whit??

    I guess they didn’t want to hurt your feelings.

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