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  • The paddling pics thread 🌊🚣🌊🛶🌊🚣🌊
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    A few photos from a week based in Laga Bay on Loch Sunart in Ardnamurchan. Absolutely magic place to paddle. Mostly incredible weather, lots of interesting wildlife and gorgeous Celtic rainforest down to the rocky shoreline.

    Loch Teacuis.
    Lovely Loch Teacuis.

    Conditions off Rubha Aird Shlignich getting interesting in the swell and wind.
    Conditions off Rubha Aird Shlignich getting interesting in the swell and wind.

    Not too bad a morning.

    Loch Sunart.
    Crossing Loch Sunart to Glen Cripesdale.

    Absolute stoater of a day after the fog burned off. Made our way up to Repisole and stopped for ice cream at the Salen Jetty shop and a swim to cool off on the way back to Laga.

    Doirlinn, Loch na Droma Bhuide, Oronsay
    Doirlinn, Loch na Droma Bhuide, Oronsay

    Ceann Garadh looking towards Ben Hiant.
    Ceann Garadh looking towards Ben Hiant.

    Ben Hiant
    Wandered up Ben Hiant and did some bouldering at Sanna beach on the days it was a bit too windy to get out on the water. Hiant joins the list of the best wee hills in Scotland for its outlook, absolutely amazing. Good views of all the places we’d paddled throughout the week.


    Will hopefully be back up again soon, but likely only once the Corran ferry is sorted. Both of the alternative routes are a bit hectic with the extra traffic. Maybe just paddle out, best way to travel.

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    River taff at the back of my house,you can’t get that far upstream but it’s a nice little paddle.

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    <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>
    12 mile circumnavigation of Hayling Island on my sup today.

    Parked at the northern end of the island and utilised the ebb tide to help me southbound to the coast. Which i achieved in less time than expected. Along the seafront it was heaving, nothing says i respect the sea more than a 9 year old in sn. Inflatable swan.

    Then north away from tje jetski knobs and up chichester harbour. Saw 2 x seals hauled out on the mud, loads of egret, cormorant and i think mullet.

    4 1/2 hr on the water and very enjoyable it was too.

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    Like your post debaser – I live in Tobermory and the last week has been glorious paddling conditions. Nipped out yesterday evening across the Sound of Mull and back. I can see across to Loch Sunart from my house and hoping to get a good day in the next few weeks to get around to Oronsay and back.


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    Keeping our double coated dog cool yesterday.

    Llyn Dinas nr Beddgellert

    laboure college

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    I can see across to Loch Sunart from my house and hoping to get a good day in the next few weeks to get around to Oronsay and back.

    Aye, Oronsay is a very pleasant explore. It was the windiest day we went out and less sheltered from a south easterly than we’d hoped with the wind funnelling pretty fiercely down Loch Sunart so didn’t follow the coast as much as we’d have liked. Worth doing on a spring tide I think. It was headed towards neaps for us and while we timed things with the high tide to squeak through the Doirlinn there wasn’t as much water as we’d have hoped in the big lagoon/fish trap on the south-east side of the island. Great though, especially around the north west corner.

    Envious of your local paddling @dovebiker Have you made use of the local ferries as a foot passenger with a boat on a trolley? It’s always struck me as a great way to shuttle trips and make the most of the tide in one direction, but I’ve never gotten around to it.

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    Might not be best place to ask but taking sup course (can windsurf ok and surf a bit, sail dinghies and cats), and possibly interested in buying one

    Pensioner, 85kg, use (starting with most) on canals, rivers, estuary, near coastal, very occasionally possibly adding a grandchild,

    I suspect like mtb I’ll be effectively rambling ie enjoying the view etc etc

    Jobe Sena 11ft and Jobe duna adventurer are both in sales , have 5yr warranty, duna gets good write ups, can’t find much on sena, (adventures is duna plus side fins and a few bits),

    Sound ok or too much (esp the duna adventurer) for basically a slow old bimbler.


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    Long weekend kayaking with the club on a trip to Pembrokshire around St Davids . Some stunning coastline to explore, get into some cases and rockhop (until the swell built up to ~ a meter and 12sec period). Lots of seals and their pups (we kept away from those beaches) but the highlight was a pod of common dolphins. About 15 of them including youngsters swimming and jumping past us. One swimming right under my bow .


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    Some photos from the Aberdeenshire coast and Moray Firth.
    Todhead lighthouse
    Todhead Lighthouse.

    The Garran, Catterline
    The Garran, a big archway just north of Catterline composed of what appears to be conglomerate choss. Not sure how often the massive boulders in the roof plop into the sea, probably wouldn’t like to paddle through here after heavy rain.

    Covesea Lighthouse
    Covesea lighthouse in the Moray Firth from a different day. Early morning light and glassy sea.

    Halliman Skerries
    Halliman Skerries off Lossiemouth.

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    A rare quiet day at Loch Morlich

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    Beautiful Photo :)

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    IMG_1450I’ve just bought a new boat, (the green one)

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    Dart loop. 

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    Slight boycott of the thread but has anyone canoed or paddle boarded on the River Derwent in Yorkshire please ?

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    They do on Derwent Water in the Lake District as the link says but I was after information on the River Derwent in Yorkshire. :)

    It’s on the UK Rivers website but I can’t find much information about the river entry & exit points or the flow.

    Looking at a paddle board trip over a couple of days with a wild camp overnight but can’t find much information.

    I’ve asked on ‘Song of the Paddle’ but got no responses yet.

    Free Member

    I did find a blog a while back of someone who did Kirkham Abbey to Stamford Bridge with an overnight in a woods somewhere. – I’ll see if I can find it. I think the biggest problem is a downed tree blocking the river just down from Kirkham. I’ve not done it myself though.
    My plan is for a run from Stamford Bridge to either Kexby or Elvington at some point this summer as they’re relatively local to me. Definitely not anytime soon as the river is well in flood in all the usual places.
    Have you tried the Go Paddling app? It used to have loads of info on but the android versions seems to have lost a load of data since last summer?

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    Thanks Pocpoc, loaded Go Paddling and those links were helpful. I’ll start planning. 😀

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    Not bad really… 😉


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    A week in Assynt over Easter

    The Uidh Fhearna between Lochs Veyatie and Fionn Loch

    Suilven and camp

    On Fionn Loch

    Leaving Fionn Loch for the portage to Loch Sionasgaig

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    Portage to Sionasgaig (about a mile. 4 hours)

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    Two days on Loch Sionasgaig

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    Mal, your photos continue to be inspiring!

    Free Member

    Escape via the Polly Lochs

    Escaped to the road, and hitched back to start. As always, winds changed our plans several times, especially when it came to trying to get back east into 30mph headwinds, hence we just kept going west!

    Free Member

    Mal, your photos continue to be inspiring!

    Thanks Matt, but that very landscape is just totally inspiring, which helps! Don’t tell anyone about it though ;)

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    We’re having a bit of a late spring here on Mull, temperatures barely touching double digits and nothing but strong northerlies. Have managed to get out a few times, but this week was the first time where it was calm enough for a more leisurely pootle out to the top of the island to Ardmore Point and back. Big contrast to 2 weeks ago where I went out for some “rougher” weather experience with a coach – sea state 3-4 and as it turned out a force 5-6 headwind on the return – took an hour to paddle 3 km as we were hugging the shore and seeking shelter behind rocks.

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    Different locations but part of the same geological rock formation. Last weekend and today

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    Third canoe outing for my dog

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    I give up

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    Third canoe outing for my dog

    How does the dog like it?

    My Harold is unbelievably calm whenever we get in the canoe. More than anywhere else I’d say.  Apart from the odd go at some ducks anyway.


    Free Member

    How does the dog like it?

    Following the judicious application of cooked bits of chicken she is learning to love it. She’s not much of a swimmer (which probably isn’t a bad thing as she stays in the canoe) but she seems happy enough floating around for a bit.

    Hoping to get her happy enough for an overnight canoe trip at some point.

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