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  • The one about the Olympic Games 2024
  • stevenmenmuir
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    Don’t give the Strictly pros any more ideas.

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    A whip as long as that one is going to – well – whip through at the end with minimal effort. I’d argue it’s going to be fairly tricky to avoid it hurting.

    Maybe we need to parade a few bare legged horse riders around a ring and try ‘gently’ whipping the backs of their legs as a research experiment

    I know it’s actually the start of the Olympics and we are meant to be moving on but…..I thought about this again. I’d say and lunge whip works because there is a threat of more. It’s like a raised hand to a child. It’s a ‘gentle’ reminder that there could be more if they don’t do ask requested. And also like a raised hand to a child the threat only really works if the recipient has experienced the consequence at least once. Otherwise it’s just weirdo tickling their arse with a long stick or a a parent waving a hand. With child protection a child changing behaviour to a raised hand is often an indicator they have experienced the consequences……

    Full Member

    Not ruining the planet through climate change and biodiversity loss is always a good ball park!

    Holding the majority of the events in the centre of a very large city is a good ball park, because most of the ball parks are already there. The opening ceremony and everything is being held on the Seine, the first time ever a river has been used, with all of the teams on boats. I think it’s going to be spectacular, the French are going to be trying to one-up us Brits for the opening ceremony.

    I’d say a lunge whip works because there is a threat of more.

    That’s precisely how it works; someone who also trains equestrian event horses, and who’s worked with the rider in question was being interviewed on local news the other evening, and she said the lunging whip is not supposed to do more than be a bit of a sting, an irritating sensation, so that the trainer needs to do no more than make a movement of the hand, or the end of the whip, for the horse to know what it needs to do.

    Not unlike horses twitching to dislodge irritating flies.

    Full Member

    This is the solicitor who’s bought the case on behalf of CDJs ex groom – wonder if the ex groom will be taking him to court soon for treating horses like circus animals…

    Free Member

    doesn’t appear to be repeatedly hitting the animals though does he? Nice bit of whataboutism.

    Full Member

    How do you think he trained them to do that – note the whips.

    He didn’t just say now sit down then there’s a good horsey.

    Horses don’t sit down like that, it’s a forced position.

    He’s also a dressage rider.

    Free Member

    wih carrots on the end of a piece of string of course.

    just can’t understand why you’re defending someone beating a horse

    “He’s also a dressage rider” So what’s that got to do with CDJ??

    Free Member

    Maybe we need to parade a few bare legged horse riders around a ring and try ‘gently’ whipping the backs of their legs as a research experiment…

    Now that I would watch!

    Full Member

    I’m not defending CDJ – it was bang out of order and it will be how she normally trains. I’d not seen the video in my initial post and my initial defence was because she’s never been on the radar for this sort of thing. There are those who have a reputation for this and it doesn’t come as a surprise.

    I’m pointing out there’s hypocrisy in this case – the timing is off, a groom suddenly gets a concience, the solictor happens to be Dutch, the solicitor is also involved in dressage and will get his horse to do similar moves and the Dutch happen to be one of the UKs biggest competitors in dressage.

    Perhaps the governing body needs to look at themselves too – they set the tests that demand these kinds of ‘circus’ horse movements.

    Full Member

     she said the lunging whip is not supposed to do more than be a bit of a sting, an irritating sensation

    As I thought, most definitely not positive reinforcement…it can only work if the horse is afraid of/irriated by the whip.

    Free Member

    Isn’t dressage based on cavalry/military formation movements? Movements mostly unnatural to a horse.

    From wiki

    Much about training systems used today reflects practices of classical dressage

    They used to use chains attached to the horses legs to limit movement and whips to “encourage” the horse to behave a certain way.

    At least they’ve stopped chaining their legs together.

    Full Member

    There’s a lot that used to go off – horse welfare has come on massively since I rode in the 80s.

    The yard my daughter works on has weekly visits from the vet as preventative health care, they have regular horse physio visits, use the best farriers, stables are spotless and they are exercised daily. Equine vets have facilities that would embarrasses some local hospitals.

    There will always be the ****, but the vast majority in the horse world really do treat their horses like kings.

    Full Member

    Maybe we need to parade a few bare legged horse riders around a ring and try ‘gently’ whipping the backs of their legs as a research experiment…

    Meh. I prefer to observe them in the wild, as nature intended.

    Free Member

    There will always be the ****, but the vast majority in the horse world really do treat their horses like kings.

    Much like horse sports, I’d also abolish the monarchy! (Smiley)

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    Free Member

    Both of these are more impressive than the real horses… And there’s less shit to deal with.

    Full Member

    “He’s also a dressage rider” So what’s that got to do with CDJ??

    Uhhh, they’re both dressage riders? Which involves forcing a horse to parade/perform in a manner that’s completely unnatural to the way a horse normally moves. Just a thought.

    use the best farriers

    Now there’s an area where the welfare of those learning the trade needs to be addressed, because often they’re bullied in a way that would be totally unacceptable with a horse. My sister-in-law’s son committed suicide because of the bullying he suffered, and he’s not the first, it’s common knowledge it goes on. What CDJ did was wrong, but forcing mules, which just aren’t used to that behaviour is all kinds of wrong.

    doesn’t appear to be repeatedly hitting the animals though does he? Nice bit of whataboutism.

    I hate to have to point this out to you, but it’s a still photo, not a video – how can you tell what they’re doing?

    Full Member

    Moving away from this unfortunate situation, back to the actual Games and the opening ceremony, it appears that among all the usual pop stars taking part, Gojira are performing as well, which should be interesting! For anyone wondering who they are, they’re a French metal band…

    Free Member

    I hope this vandalism isn’t a sign of what may happen at these Olympics and everyone stays safe.


    Free Member

    ^ yes, that occurred to me too – and with the opening ceremony being where it is (ie, along the Seine), it will be so much harder to have effective security compared to inside a stadium.

    Full Member

    I hope this vandalism isn’t a sign of what may happen at these Olympics and everyone stays safe.


    I do sometimes wonder why any country sets itself up to host the Olympics. It inevitably costs vast amounts of money and causes no end of disruption, highlights all sorts of dubious practices and ends with a bunch of mothballed facilities.

    That said, I am looking forward to the MTB and track cycling. Might watch some of the opening ceremony tonight too.

    Free Member

    I hope this vandalism isn’t a sign of what may happen at these Olympics and everyone stays safe.


    It seems to be developing into something more targeted and coordinated than just vandalism –

    SNCF says it’s been a victim overnight of a “massive attack aimed at paralysing the network”.

    Fires were started at three points on TGV lines running west, north and east of Paris.

    A fourth arson attack on the line running south to Lyon and the Mediterranean was foiled.


    Free Member


    Agree with you about the timing, seemed a bit off.

    For a bit of a conspiracy theory, I was wondering why CDJ apologised so quickly, didn’t contest the suspension (surely there’s a process to go through) is her olympic horse injured?

    Full Member

    It seems to be developing into something more targeted and coordinated than just vandalism –

    Hmmm. Let me take a look at a list of countries which have a recent history of conducting nefarious acts during the Olympic games and those that didn’t get an invitation.

    I think I’ve narrowed it down, lads.

    Full Member

    The French really are getting the thick end of things recently.

    Although the rugby 7 team looks good but then so did the NZ men’s team

    Full Member

    Opening ceremony on…. nothing of interest to report yet. Hoping for cyclist with beret, stripey jumper and onions.

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    It’s going to be VERY French!

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    Free Member

    Absolute crap so far…. no atmosphere, looks like amateur night. Is this how they’re spending the millions it’s costing them. Can only hope it improves as it goes on.

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    Hardstyle Can Can.

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    Unfortunately it looks like three hours of the filler bits between songs at Eurovision.

    Free Member

    Pretty underwhelmed and wondering mainly what the **** is going on lol!

    Full Member

    It’s tipping it down.

    Free Member

    Martinhutch nailed it

    Full Member

    Miming and can’t dance. Hmm.

    Full Member

    Unfortunately it looks like three hours of the filler bits between songs at Eurovision.

    Just needs Graham Norton doing the commentary!

    Full Member

    I don’t know if it’s been commented on already, but as a graphic designer I absolutely bloody LOVE the logo. It’s simple understated genius! I’d expect nothing less from the French. They’re pretty damn good at this kind of thing

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    Marianne has a trendy bob cut.

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