@tinman yeah teaching staff have it easy, the constant scrutiny of Ofsted, the constant scrutiny of parents, the constant stream of planning, assessment, review, planning assessment review. The constant stream of piss from Michael Goves mouth trying to scape-goat the lot of us!
Dealing with the dramas of parents lives, referring their children to psychologists, to educational psychologists to occupational therapists for issues that could be resolved by good parenting, but is that the parents fault, **** no that’s the teachers fault as well.
Get your head out of your arse, teaching is not a cake walk it is bluddy hard work and if you tried it you would be grateful for the holidays and the pension, I’ve sodding earned mine!
If you begrudge me my perks and holidays and if the job is so easy, I’ll tell you what I tell everybody RETRAIN and become a teacher, then see it from the other side.