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  • Soccerball – 2017/18 jumpers for goalposts megathread
  • theotherjonv
    Full Member

    All over? Balls…… it’s half time and an early goal back for City will see puckering arses all over the place.

    I remember being in the pub with mates for the ‘Pool-Milan final. They wanted to scrap the game at half time / 0-3 and go for a curry but I persuaded them to give it 10 minutes in case they got a goal back. Because once they get one, you know if you concede again then panic sets in, panic of the sort that says ‘we aren’t going to blow a 3 goal lead are we?’  And so even before you actually concede the second you’re starting to worry that you only need to concede a second before you panic properly!!

    City will score, and it’ll be close, not least because Liverpool can’t park the bus in their wildest dreams.

    Full Member

    Agree this is far from done and dusted. I remember watching that final in the pub with my scouse mates. They wanted to leave at half time. We wouldn’t let them because we wanted to see if they’d lose by 7 or 8. So much for that. The last time they won owt.

    Yeah….. but….you know….. next year…….

    Free Member

    Wow binbins, the mask has slipped tonight. U ok hun?

    Free Member

    Binners….the epitome of the sad bitter Manc, has far more to say about Liverpool than his own dire lifeless team….still, really cool that you like Greggs…..

    Full Member

    I think it is a real shame that Liverpool were rewarded for the hate filled environment they created, it did affect city more so probably the officials. I think they both tried to ignore it and be professional, but the intimidation did work.I wouldn’t have wanted to be on the pitch in the middle of that, they must have been concerned it was going to spill over as it did before the game.

    I think the only positive that could be made is that the Liverpool team didn’t take advantage to make reckless or dangerous tackles, but in the first half all the little niggly challenges in the middle of the park were being awarded when city were at fault, but not when it was Liverpool.

    In the second half the crowds mood had calmed down, and while still partisan, it was at an acceptable level. The official were still nervous though, as seen by a string of offside errors.

    I don’t know what the punishment should be, the Liverpool team got an advantage because of it, but thankfully didn’t reflect the worst of the crowd in the way they played. But the club encouraged the reception, whether through stupidity or knowingly. It deserves more than a 1 match fan ban IMO.

    Free Member

    the otherjonv..laughed at that ..Ive been watching & playing football for over 50 years so it’s not like I don’t know how a game can unfold ..

    City have blown it..they will be shitting themselves that Liverpool score first..and I didn’t see any evidence that Liverpool will be going there to park the bus ( sorry ..bad analogy given last night’s events ) ..

    Scoring at least four goals is going to be beyond them ..and I’ve no vested interest in who wins .

    Full Member

    I think it is a real shame that Liverpool were rewarded for the hate filled environment they created, it did affect city more so probably the officials. I think they both tried to ignore it and be professional, but the intimidation did work.I wouldn’t have wanted to be on the pitch in the middle of that, they must have been concerned it was going to spill over as it did before the game.

    Sure, it went wrong with the coach but lets not get carried away. No-one was going round slaughtering animals and offering them up as false gods in the streets. It’s a passionate crowd getting behind their club in the same way as many others do. All they were doing were singing and shouting (encouragement and abuse i guess) like many many other clubs. They were not going to invade the pitch and set up a gallows for the City team.

    Full Member

    I watched the game on the box, and of course the crowd (inside the ground – what happened outside is a different matter) was loud, partisan and ‘hostile’ but I didn’t see anything that I’d consider untoward – it’s as you’d expect a home crowd to be and it’s why it’s called home advantage and why these ties are two-legged affairs. Since the dawn of time people have talked about quietening the home fans early on, you don’t do that by making two defensive errors one after another and conceding a goal after 10 minutes, of course you get what you get after that!

    In fact, I’d deny that because the crowd quietened in the second half City came more into it; it’s because City controlled the second half that the crowd quietened. In the first half Liverpool pressed hard, particularly at turnovers; pressured right up to Ederson forcing him to kick long and out of play at times, and of course the crowd responded.

    I don’t think the officials were intimidated; they may have made errors but all do, and they also made some fine decisions. You always feel it’s against you when you’ve been humped 3-0, look at your own faults and mistakes not to others.

    City’s home leg to come, get an early goal and it’ll be a fine tie, and it’s up to your team and fans to put the pressure back on.

    FWIW I don’t see the press, not even the MEN suggesting the ground was anything but partisan or the officials being poor – take the blinkers off.

    [edit – FWIW I have Liverpool as MARGINAL favourites at this stage – but we know how liable they are to defensive implosions, I don’t think they can keep City out for 135 minutes and one goal makes a huge difference, and City are an amazing attacking team]

    Full Member

    10 or even 5 years ago the ‘decisions’ would have never even been discussed in depth, it’s only due to the advance in technology we’re now able to do so. The decisions were that close that we were down to a couple of pixels between on-side and off-side. It was mm let alone inches. That’s fine, some you win on that some you lose. Arguably the penalty we all missed was even bigger than the offside, that was arguably a penalty i’d have to agree.

    I don’t think it’s over.. But i’ll be very disappointed if they play like they did in the 2nd half and try to hold on.

    After the game i bought my 9 year old a Salah shirt for the upcoming game 🙂 He wasn’t with me last night which is quite rare for these nights, he was away in Wales with the grandmother 🙁

    Regarding “NExt year…..” WEll, i already see this year as a massive success, sure there’s no trophy, there’s arguably unlikely to be one… But i’m OK with that… This year has seen exceptional football, it’s seen teams destroyed by Liverpool, GOOD teams.. And last night a GREAT one was torn apart again by Liverpool. I’m happy with that 🙂

    Free Member

    Yay for more ‘we’re no as bad as you’ hilarity! 🤣

    Free Member

    Way to go weeksy! 😃

    Binners, sorry dude, you’re coming across as a true Man U supporter! Take your own advice and please do try to stay classy 😉

    A result beyond all expectations and sets up the return tie at the proper Manchester football club as potentially being another match of the season.

    Talking of which, how many memorable matches have the red Manchester team had this year? Or the last few years? 😂


    Full Member

    ” if they play like they did in the 2nd half and try to hold on.”

    Way too deep in the last 10 mins last night ,but Klopp has been doing rope a dope and letting teams play on to them for the past few weeks imo… preparing for tight European games perhaps?

    Looking forward to City’s game on Saturday now. 😉

    Free Member

    I’d prefer Liverpool as a team to go through, underdogs, etc.

    Still, would be highly amusing to witness Liverpool fans reactions if they did stuff it up from here! It’s their year, you know.

    Full Member

    I bought this for my lad last night after the game 🙂

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to see the whole match, couldn’t believe it when I picked up at half time at 3-0.

    Id agree with Hogy though….Having seen matches like this one before being overturned, you can’t rule Citeh out. I’d obviously put LFC strong favourites though. 1-2 on with Citeh 3-1 against.

    Full Member

    I bought this for my lad last night after the game 🙂

    He should get a good three months wear out of that!

    Full Member

    He’s a 9 year old, he’ll have grown out of it by the start of next season 🙂

    Free Member

    I like Pep. I really do. He’s such a dude. He needs to stop being such a whiny cockbag though. Some of the supporters seem to be catching it from him.

    Full Member

    lol, is that what its about to be a liverpool fan now? I don’t think I saw a happy Liverpool face in the crowd for the first half, 3 nil up, and faces still screwed up with anger and nastiness, does winning really make you that angry?

    But of course it is city and their fans at fault for having the audacity to call out the behaviour, at least Klop has far more class than the excusers.

    Full Member

    lol, is that what its about to be a liverpool fan now? I don’t think I saw a happy Liverpool face in the crowd for the first half, 3 nil up, and faces still screwed up with anger and nastiness, does winning really make you that angry?

    were we watching the same thing ?

    Full Member

    were we watching the same thing ?

    I expect so, it is just that you chose not to see.

    Free Member

    Don’t be so down guys, it’s still 8-8 on aggregate over the season so far. 16 goals in three games between the teams. I think we can all be proud of that.

    Full Member

    That’s kind of the point though, two great attacking teams going toe to toe, I think there is a lot of genuine respect between the managers and players for what each other does.

    Full Member

    In the opposite leg of the fixture the etihad is a poor stadium for building an atmosphere, too shallow and open a bowl (hopefully a lesson learned for those now building new stadiums). And I really hope the city fans don’t retaliate and attack the liverpool coach.

    Full Member

    were we watching the same thing ?

    I expect so, it is just that you chose not to see.

    Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle.

    Full Member

    He won’t need that top for long anyway, once Salah goes to Real Madrid at the end of the season 😉

    Free Member

    He won’t need that top for long anyway, once Salah goes to Real Madrid at the end of the season

    Welcome to an hour ago.

    Full Member

    *throws bottle at Bravissimo*

    Free Member

    16 goals in three games between the teams. I think we can all be proud of that.

    Awful defending there should not even have been that many chances in the games.

    Yours Jose

    Full Member

    *throws bottle at Bravissimo*

    The bottle was in your other hand, that was a prawn sandwich (99p from greggs)

    Free Member

    Must be murder watching that Citeh and Liverpool as a ManU fan though, all that money spent and all they have is a team that are like watching Scotland.

    Free Member

    subtle troll there  fella

    Free Member

    There’s subtlety on this thread? 🙂

    Not trolling at all btw, merely pointing out what is really quite a turnaround in your teams fortunes, despite still spending fortunes. Your fans seem more adept at pointing out other teams frailties, doncha think?.

    Free Member

    subtle troll there  fella

    Free Member


    Anyway, back to football, best OH kick, out of these three (I’m not gonna link, as if you’re a footy fan, you’ll remember!)

    Ronaldo, t’other night

    Trevor Sinclair for QPR

    Big Crouch

    Trev for QPR is my choice.

    Free Member

    rooney v Man City 😉

    Sinclair for me as well Ronnie had to do more  but that sinclair goal is the first jaw dropping overhead kick i recall seeing and being amazed

    Full Member

    Anyway, back to football, best OH kick


    Full Member

    Awful defending there should not even have been that many chances in the games.

    Yours Jose

    I LOL’ed

    Free Member

    Using my superior football knowledge (being an Arsenal fan), I’d say Ronnie’s kick on Tuesday night was the most impressive.  The reason?  It was because he was not only moving in the opposite direction and had to kick a ball that was over 10ft in the air.  The physical ability to even make contact was amazing……to score in that fashion was simply incredible!

    Free Member

    Ah, forgot about Djork for Inter, that was special indeed RM.

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