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  • Soccerball – 2017/18 jumpers for goalposts megathread
  • theotherjonv
    Full Member

    Ronaldo’s goal has got some equally good reactions:

    Free Member

    That’s Crouch alluding to the fact that he too scored a spectacular overhead kick a year or two back ?

    Full Member

    I reckon Crouch’s is better….. better contact, pulled it back from further behind him, and the distance from his brain to his foot means he must have started to execute it before the ball had even been crossed to allow the neurons to get there 😉

    Ronaldo’s was sort of expected, he’s that good. Crouch was WTAF, did that just happen?

    Free Member

    Yes, was every bit as good, but mibbe not in as big a game!

    Full Member

    Oh that was indeed special from Crouch 🙂

    Full Member

    The thing that makes Ronaldo different is that he always seems to be able to defy gravity for half a second, you see it in his headed goals as well, you’d swear at times that he is actually floating.

    Free Member

    standing ovation to an opposition player as he was substituted mid-way through the second half of a game

    Man U did this when Ronaldo – the other Brazillian one- got a hat trick against us.

    Free Member

    I remember thinking that it was kind of therapeutic ..yeah we were well stuffed but it gave us something to applaud !

    Full Member

    Disgraceful behavior from the Liverpool fans tonight, it might be a minority, but it wasn’t a small group, they were in their thousands. Hopefully city win anyway, because Liverpool deserve to be kicked out for that, the team and manager don’t deserve it, but there were far too many fans involved for that to be ignored.

    On a football note, interesting that Pep has gone for a new formation for this game.

    Full Member

    Dippers gonna dip – this “coach greeting” has been discussed for weeks.

    Merseyside Police were pathetic – where were the motorcycle escorts and how many of the “fans” who threw bricks and bottles have been arrested?

    Pep looked a bit rattled but we have characters like Silva and Kompany who will lead us and not be intimidated.

    Let’s see what UEFA do after the match. Banning Liverpool fans from the away leg would be a reasonable punsihment.

    Free Member

    Oh. My. Word.

    Game ON.

    But feel free to bottle our bus on return leg. Inexcusable behaviour from Liverpool fans.

    Full Member

    Strewth. That sets this tie up nicely.

    And as a qualified ref, credit where due, great advantage when he could easily have blown for a ‘ceremonial’ free kick

    (but they won’t mention that while they’ve already mentioned a fractional offside 3 times)

    Free Member


    2-0 inside 20 mins !

    Free Member

    O my days !!!

    Full Member

    Listening to R5 via VPN in Denmark. Wishing I was watching it!

    Full Member

    Football…. bloody hell!


    Free Member

    We’ve been here before. 3-3.

    Man City know they’ve got the beating of us at their ground, so they’ll be patient. They could even just settle for an away goal.

    Full Member

    Crikey Moses! I didn’t expect that scoreline at half time.

    Full Member

    The only downside is seeing some cracking videos of the pre-game with the crowd all singing etc (Yes i’m aware of the other bit with the coach). All about 1 minute walk from where i grew up. I love leafy West Berks, but every now and again i miss living in Anfield 🙂

    Up the Pool !

    Full Member

    You miss living next to Anfield? 😳

    Having gone to a couple of Liverpool games last season I can assure you that you’ve obviously not been there for a while. It’s an utter and complete shit-hole! Proper third world shit! I’d rather live in Aleppo! Which in a lot of ways it quite closely resembles

    Anyway…. football-wise I had a punt on 3-2 to Liverpool. Hmmmmmmmm

    Free Member

    liverpool have previous with regards european football violence resulting in  english clubs were banned for 5 years from european football.

    Full Member

    The atmosphere in the ground is toxic, so much to celebrate, but this is what they decide to do instead. It is a real shame, when the managers and teams have shown each other so much respect that this is what the fans resort to. You wouldn’t want to take your kids to that.

    Full Member

    Salah off injured, will this change it around?

    Full Member

    You miss living next to Anfield?

    Having gone to a couple of Liverpool games last season I can assure you that you’ve obviously not been there for a while. It’s an utter and complete shit-hole! Proper third world shit! I’d rather live in Aleppo! Which in a lot of ways it quite closely resemble

    That’s where i grew up mate, it’s where all my family are from, trust me, coming from Scotty Rd, Anfield was quite nice. I spent my formative years until i was 11 living about 125 from the Anfield Rd end. We then moved up to Huyton (about 2 miles from Stevie G).

    I spent my weekends at Anfield, in the Kop with my mum, auntie, 3 uncles and 6 cousins, that was our life, our childhood and seeing the teams of the 70’s and 80s, well you can’t ask for much more.

    It was of course why my life never involved either motorbikes or MTBing, as they simply didn’t exist in inner-city Liverpool. Eventually i moved down south at 26 years old and have been down here in various parts of Berks now for 20 years. I saw a lot of the family in early Dec as it was my mums funeral, it did remind me of how much i miss of the City. You see the bits there as being awful.. I just see them as ‘how it was/is’

    Free Member

    its really not that rough for a big city and Manchester has just as many shit holes

    Binners was just upset because there was no Greggs near by

    Full Member

    It’s too rough for a Greggs?

    Stop and have a think about that for a minute 🙂

    Weeksy – I think you might have a serious case of rose-tinted glasses. I went for a pint in the pub next to the ground after the match and it felt like i’d Walked into a scene from Boys From the Blackstuff!

    still…. hats off for carrying on the time honoured scouse tradition of claiming that ‘The Pool’ is the greatest city in the weeeeeeeeeeerld having not actually lived there yourself for decades 😉

    Full Member

    City a bit unlucky, offside goal allowed for Liverpool, onside goal disallowed for city.

    Alexander Arnold man of the match for me, never put a foot wrong.

    Full Member

    still…. hats off for carrying on the time honoured scouse tradition of claiming that ‘The Pool’ is the greatest city in the weeeeeeeeeeerld having not actually lived there yourself for decades

    LOL Really ? You’re going with that. I was born in Liverpool, spent the first 26 years of my life there, i have a crest of LFC on my left are, my family have been there for 5 generations and i’m being half accused of not being a true Scouser LOL

    Weeksy – I think you might have a serious case of rose-tinted glasses. I went for a pint in the pub next to the ground after the match and it felt like i’d Walked into a scene from Boys From the Blackstuff!

    There’s far worse parts of Liverpool. There’s far better of course. But there’s no rose tinted glasses here, i’m well aware of the good and bad aspects of living there. Hence why i live in a small village in West Berks.

    Full Member

    Weeksy – What do you need to keep your Scouse Passport stamped? i’m a United fan and i’ve been to more recent Liverpool home games than you 😛

    You is like Macca or Ringo, innit? It’s a fantastic city! Best in the weeeeeeeeeerld Would I love there? ****, NO!!!

    Anyway…. Alexander Arnold was brilliant! And nobody has said that about a Liverpool defender for a long time. A deserved win, despite two dodgy offside decisions

    Full Member

    And nobody has said that about a Liverpool defender for a long time

    I’m pretty sure they’ve been saying it about Robertson recently, and VVD for that matter.

    Free Member

    Trent AA was excellent – good to see a young local kid come through and fair play to Klopp for sticking with him as he’s made a few errors recently, which all young players will. Oxlade-Henderson too – again, credit Klopp. Compare him now to under Wenger.

    Tie is not over though Licverpool do look more solid now with Van Dijk organizing things and Mignolet and Moreno banished. One goal in Manchester will do it and I expect Klopp to go for it.

    Full Member

    Weeksy – What do you need to keep your Scouse Passport stamped? i’m a United fan and i’ve been to more recent Liverpool home games than you

    And i’ve been to more games than you’ll ever have been to if you live to be 200, i went to every home game for 15 years My mum went to Rome in 1977, Paris in 81, i’ve been all over Europe to see them play including the Bernabau to see Yossi score and Liverpool win 1-0 in Madrid. What’s your point caller ? I generally get to 4-5 games per season now away from home, but only 1-2 at Anfield

    My tattoo and my Scouse accent mean i’m never mistaken for anything less than a Scouser.. Although these days, some do suspect i’m from the other side of the river 🙁

    Full Member

    To be fair to the dippers they played very well but City were architects of their own downfall. Not sure what Walker was thing for the first goal – just put it out for a corner!

    Liverpool’s young fullbacks were great.

    I think the “coach greeting” did un-nerve City – I guess having adrenaline pumping through your system unexpectedly can mess up your preparations – never seen City misplace so many passes or misjudge things like they did in that first half.

    Pretty sad state of affairs that Liverpool have to resort to that type of tactic to gain an edge. I believe the club and Merseyside Police were complicit in what happened pre-match. If there are no arrests and/or banning of fans then this will be impossible to argue against.

    Let’s tie up the title against Manyoo on Saturday and then see what we can do next week. One thing for sure our fans and club will show more class than the Istoreeee boys.

    Full Member

    I need to go to more Liverpool games. I’m like this kiss of death! I’ve never seen you win 🙂

    stay classy though….

    Full Member

    Weeksy please stop taking the very humorous bait. Naughty Binners.

    i agree ,Trent AA was man of the match.

    night night.

    Free Member

    As a neutral good as City are ..I really think the tie is over now ..if they had got an away goal that would have been different ..but Liverpool only need to score to seal it ..and even if they don’t I can’t see City winning by 4 clear goals ..

    Enjoy Saturday instead ..

    Free Member

    Always makes me laugh when one lot claim to be better fans than the other! 🤣

    My dad’s bigger than yours! 😂

    Free Member

    I think the “coach greeting” did un-nerve City

    Did you even watch the game? City started off the better side, by a stretch.

    I believe the club and Merseyside Police were complicit in what happened pre-match

    Please present your evidence for this. if you’re that sure, you should go public with your evidence.

    Free Member

    It’s too rough for a Greggs?

    Stop and have a think about that for a minute

    Well  played 🙂

    Full Member

    Merseyside Police tweeted the change of route for the team coaches. It was changed so that it did not go past a building site with lots of loose bricks for loveable scousers to throw.

    There is a 184 page thread on a City forum where Liverpool fans were claiming that they would attack City’s coach but Merseyside Police did nothing to protect the vehicle and made no arrests. Throwing bricks and bottles at vehicles is clearly against the law so failing to act upon intelligence and failing to make any arrests indicates clearly that Merseyside Police neglected their responsibilities.

    Liverpool have previous for this against Man United. When similar treatment was mooted against the Liverpool coach coming to Old Trafford Man United supplied Bobby Charlton to sit at the front of the coach which ensured no missiles were launched at it. If Liverpool had any conscience then they should have done something similar – maybe Daglish?

    I am confident that it will all end in tears for Liverpool – they may win the tie but they will finish the season with nothing.

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