It always used to be that the hope hoops wheels were really aggressively priced, I remember my flows on pro 2s were barely more expensive than buying the rims and front hub, there was absolutely no way I’d have bought them as a collection of parts. But equally back then the hubs were really pretty expensive for what they were, they feel a bit better value now (I think because there was relatively little competition? They had to be cheaper than a DT240S but other’n that they could price them pretty much how they wanted)
Stick a new rim on it though, why get rid of a good hub? If you can find a rim with a similiar erd and offset you can reuse the spokes (don’t reuse the nipples, you <can> but there’s no point, they’re so cheap). If you’re reasonably handy and you’ve trued a bent wheel before, it’s surprisingly easy to diy- much easier than straightening a wheel because you’re not fighting all the old stresses, you’re just dealing with what you put in. And in the end if you fail you can still chuck it at your LBS and say “Yeah I ****ed this up, make it good” and you’ve not lost anything.