I kind of agree with njee,
If it bothers you that much try taking earphones to block out the drone, then other cyclists can moan cyclists are ignorant bastards and not boring ones.
If they weren’t talking stats on STRAVA they would have been talking 0-60 times in cars, stock exchange, which computer processor, what oven temp for cooking, football stats, rugby stats, how many times they have been married, their kids school league table, work pensions, Stato’s like talking and love others to hear, the fact that you were listening makes you more boring than them in my book.
Incidently, my book was written by me and features me as the main character, the main character is never wrong even though others may think he is, it’s my book after all.
Next time you do that ride go back to that cafe and sit and listen, see what you can learn from others about yourself.