I used to live fairly near a Ford. Never killed a vehicle in it. Usually if it’s high enough to kill a car, it’s flooded along the road too. IIRC the road is shut when it’s impassable as the current will pull a car downstream.
I did get caught out one night. I’d been on a late call out in something like February. Took a short cut through the Ford on the way home to avoid roadworks, or for the fun of it. I can’t remember.
Following day the van wouldn’t move.
I couldn’t work out why, being an Escort I assumed it was down to it’s awfulness. Called the AA out, apparently brakes were frozen solid.
The AA guy mentioned the Ford, had I been through it? For some reason, possibly my boss finding out or the fear of looking stupid, I swore blind I hadn’t been through it.
Much hammering and revving it went again.