I work in an independant boarding school, wife is head of SEND at the local college, and my boys both go to the local Primary.
We had a suspected CV19 case within 48hrs of the boarders being back, despite them all returning to school with a CV negative test result. Boarding house locked down, all lessons for those locked down delivered via teams, all meals in house etc (not easy when the house has no dining room). Full on war-footing in responding and dealing with the quarantine. Thankfully the subsequent test came back negative. It showed the system worked, but how sustainable this is long term is questionable. Its not just the teaching staff but all the support structures that are already creaking from the uplift in hours required. To top the week off my eldest got sent home from primary school yesterday – child in his bubble (2 year groups, so approx 120 kids) tested positive, so thats a 14 day quarantine at home. His brother is to continue going to school unless he shows symptoms. I can see the bubbles collapsing very quickly, its going to be a nightmare as we head into flu season – I can see us home schooling again for both kids very soon.
My wifes college is trying to run a hybrid (some virtual, some in person) timetable, but trying to convince 16-18 yr olds to maintain social distance and wear masks is like pissing in the wind.
Its a f-ing minefield out there & whilst I’m amazed at the positive attitude of staff, and the new ways of working that are genuinely better than the ones we had before, the majority of parents seem to genuinely not give a damn.