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  • Pokemon go
  • neilnevill
    Free Member

    I started playing pokemon in June with my 9v and 7 yo girls.   The aim was as motivation to get them on walks,  as a way to earn their beavers/cubs collectors badges,  and as a way to get their map reading skills improving.  15 weeks on they are addicted,  it’s something we enjoy together, and I’m enjoying it too.

    Any other players here?  Anyone want to share tips?  We reached level 33 last week,  tonight we managed to evolve our first dynamax charizard and our first dynamax venosaur, both 3 star. Progressing well I think although coming to understand some of the newbie mistakes we’ve made along the way.   When we got the charizard we had to try a 3 star falinks dynamax battle and….. promptly got smushed.

    At level 33 will it be possible to take a falinks or beldum?  We’ve got decent dubwools, gredents and a chameleon as well,  plus enough candy that the new dynamax scorbunny, grokey and soble won’t take us long to evolve to end of line.

    Or is soloing these 3 star dynamax pokemon just beyond us until we get to higher levels?

    Full Member

    I play, have done on and off since it came out but recently got back into it. Millennial with no kids, but grew up playing Pokémon on Gameboy. Friend code is 008595635158 if you want another friend.

    Level 37 here and got flattened by a falinks earlier, I think it’s like higher levels gym raids where you need a few of you to make it viable to win. Especially as you can’t revive during the fight, unlike gym raids.

    Free Member

    Ta. I might take you up on that friend.  It’s a mechanism we’ve not used yet and from what I’ve read it’s an easy way to earn XP.

    I found some Brandon Tan on you tube,  and other top players,  soloing 3 star beldum with a single level 40 charizard.   A power spot with several assisting pokemon from other trainers must help…. so a day one attempt on a falinks was a bit hopeful although I think we had 2 assistants in the power spot.   Kept charizard until last,  only got our first dynamax half way into charizard and the 3 max moves hardly touched falinks…. clearly the wrong set of ‘mon and wrong moves!  Much to learn.

    Free Member

    And as I’m on the bus to work playing,  I’ve now got a 3 star dynamax rillaboom.  So the capable dynamax ‘mon in the ‘dex are building.  I might have another go at a falinks if I happen upon a spot with several other assisting  ‘mon.

    Free Member

    How are you fairing cleets? We are 3 days away from our 4 month playing anniversary and will either reach level 34 that day or within a couple more.  We will by then have 500 pokemon in the pokedex too.  Our aim initially was just to collect as many different ones as possible but I’m now aware of IVs and try to find 3 star mon before evolving one..  although with 498 in the dex currently, oodles of Shinx candy and our strongest a mere 1 star the pressure to hit 500 by our anniversary may force my hand.

    On dynamax I’ve stayed away from the falinks although I have read it’s possible even with level 20ish mon (significantly powered up max moves though).  Annoyingly almost every power spot I see now has falinks!  The 1 star spots are few and far between,  but I managed to get into enough to earn the squirtle candy we needed to get evolve our wartotle so we’ve a 3 star blastoise. In fact we’ve 3 star versions of all the mon that came from 1 star power spot starters, just no falinks or beldum family.   I’m trying to decide where to invest the candy next…a second charizard from our chameleon or level up the max moves on our existing?  I could turn a dubwool into a bit of a damage sponge with powered up max defence, or spirit with a few more candy,  and level up the attack on charizard and keep working to get a rillaboom or venosaur levelled up in the future…. maybe a damage sponge and half decent charizard could take a falinks?

    Making progress is getting mich harder now.

    Free Member

    Level 44 here, my boyfriend is level 42 and we just about managed Falinks together. Beldum was easier, but not possible to solo for either of us.

    My friend code is 324761455346 if anyone wants to add 🙂

    Free Member


    Has anybody caught a 3 star nidoran?  I’ve the candy to double evolve one a as the last task on the timed research that ends tonight but all those I’ve caught have been zero or one star!  Obviously I’ll evolve one before tonight’s deadline but..

    Full Member

    Opened the thread wonding if my 6yo might be interested in Pokemon Go but have stumbled across people speaking a new language. What’s the learning curve like and is it enough to just want to explore and find new pokemons?

    Full Member

    @stevious – that’s all I do. Had an account since my son was about 7 and played it on my phone – he’s long since given up on it, and I’ve just carried it on, level 40 and do some of the daily tasks etc but no real ambition or big challenges.

    I find it quite fun… ?

    Free Member

    Definitely.  As I said in the op, I’ve 9 amd 7yo girls (plus a 4yo boy). I started as motivation for them to come for a walk,  motivation for me to get extra walks in,  to simply collect pokemon and earn the girls their beavers/cubs collectors badges,  and if they picked up a bit of map reading skill by osmosis that is great.   I even set the beaver colony I help at the task to play for the summer and earn their badges (beavers are 6 to 8yo)

    Only 3 of 24 beavers did it but my two are addicts and I’ve come to enjoy it both as something we share and for doing it myself.   It’s only over the last few weeks that I’ve thought more about ‘good’ pokemon and battles, game strategy and such like,  which is when I started this thread. The biggest satisfaction from the game remains simply catching new ones (much harder now but still get a new one several times a week or more). When I caught two new ‘shiny’ pokemon this week my eldest was beside herself!  (Shiny is just a different colour and rare, 1/64 of most types are shiny…. but collectors get very excited. ?‍♂️)

    Getting started is very easy,  just load the game on your phone and start walking,  spin the ‘stops’ to collect balls,  berries and other things you need,  and catch pokemon by tapping them then ‘throwing a ball’.  Easy.   Then ask here if you want to know what berries do, how to throw a curve ball,  how to do other stuff …. ask here?

    Free Member

    Friend  requests sent to Hannah and Cleets from 353625478690

    Free Member

    And for @stevious  if you use this referral code


    (How I’m not sure) to join poke4 go, as you progress I’ll earn stuff in the game apparently…… sorry… new to this ‘friend stuff’

    Free Member

    Sorry, that shouldn’t read poke4 go, it should read pokemon go.

    Full Member

    Had a fun morning wondering about in the rain catching a few this morning. Going to keep it simple for now but might look into friends and referrals and suchlike if the enthusiasm sticks. Thanks for the advice all.

    Full Member

    Level 41 here, managed to zip thru it getting the legacy 40 medal just in time, slowed down a bit now, like trying to get the legendary, lucky and shiny, and the more elusive 100% 4*      My code 4966 2402 6548

    Free Member

    Friend  request sent to nogs.   I need to go spin stops and get gifts as I’m too used to binning them to manage my storage!

    I can imagine slowing down very soon as it’s harder.   It’s a massive jump from 1 star raids and powerspots which are just easy, to 3 star, and feels like getting better at those is a long way off.   Although just steadily collecting more new mon, or now I’ve learnt to pay attention to iv, just slowly replacing weaker mons for stronger.   My my the stardust and candy I invested in some true donkeys just because they had cp.

    Does anyone know how max guard actually works?  Does it need to be used once the power meter is full?  I’d assumed it just worked from the start but my damage sponge idea was….unsuccessful!

    Free Member

    We are there,  level 34, or will be once I take the xp from some research…. I’m banking it before dropping an egg currently.

    Tips please,  I’m about to embark on months of walking with a magikarp buddy to get the candy to evolve it.   I know I need to play with it so it’s mood is good to reduce the mileage per candy, any thing else I can do?  Should I just use rare candy?   Not that I have any having just created 100 cosmetics candy. I seem to see about 1 ‘karp spawn per week currently.

    Free Member

    I started playing it with my son a few years ago, he’s 14 now and we still go out together to play a few times a week, it’s still on a screen but at least you have to go outside and walk around rather than him just gaming on his PC in his bedroom. I tried to get him interested in cycling but it was never his thing so nice to have something else we do together.

    I’m level 49 now so a bit further along the journey, we’ve been to Go Fest in London and Madrid together over the last couple of years so had some nice experiences off the back of playing the game.

    For something that seems like a fairly basic concept it has some really clever game design in that there’s always something else to do even after year of playing whether it’s trying to find the shinies, the perfect IV’s, the regional locked Pokemons or trying to get all your Platinum medals.

    On the magikarp, I wouldn’t use your rare candies on that, save them for when you want them for the legendary and mythical Pokemon. Adventure sync makes the earning candies by walking much quicker.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I’d read that.

    Oh and cosmetics above was suppose to be cosmoen…..  rare candy on the legendary.

    Free Member

    My 7 y/o is really into Pokemon at the moment and loves playing it. The problem I find is that although you are out for a walk, he doesn’t look up from the screen and just keeps stopping on the street! He isn’t taking anything in from his surroundings as is so consumed with what is on the screen. It really puts me off giving him my phone to play it when we are out and about.

    Free Member

    I recognise that issue!  I have to be quite firm with my two and sometimes ignoring the ‘daddy can I hold your phone?/ can I do this battle?/ can I catch that?’  Can get tiring.   We do have some nice sessions though… I’ve come to realise a pokemon hunt is not the same as a walk.

    Okay who’s the level 46 pixie that I’ve accepted the friend request from?  I assume it’s one of you?

    Free Member

    Is there a plusle and shoomish event on?  They are everywhere!  If m I’ve caught 2 shiny plusle, it’s not possible to trade over distance is it? One going spare if it is.

    Free Member

    Top tip.  Don’t completely the timed event research running currently and leave the last reward to claim later…..i did this yesterday and it disappeared when the research ended.  Oops.

    Free Member

    OOoooo!  Dynamax Gastly!  OK, one down,  62 candies in stock…… plenty of pinaberrues…. so about 12 to catch and …Gengar!

    We’re up to 2 inteleon, charizard,  gredent,  cinderace, dubwool, 1 rillaboom (plus a thwackey ), blastoise, and venosaur  (plus ivy).  However,  still no falinks.  If beldum comes back to powerspots I reckon we’d have a chance now but probably missed out there.

    After using an egg yesterday to collect some rewards and evolve a pile of ‘mon we are half way to level 35 and have 520 ‘mon in the pokedex.

    With the current go rocket ‘mon we’re picking up a lot of shadow ‘mon,  and I saw a brandon tan youtube showing 0 iv shadow ‘mon are stronger then the equivalent pure hundo at the same level.  So I think we may have to adjust the make up of our battle teams…..again.

    Oh and Thanks to all friends,  I’m enjoying having a use for gifts!  My eldest is also intent on scatterbug/vavillon collecting now too, so postcards useful!

    Good luck Morpeco hunting!

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