Perfect bike for me in the peak is 160/130mm full suss with 2.6 tires.
Over 20 years I’ve ridden almost exactly the same trails on
110mm hardtail
130mm hardtail
160mm hardtail
120/110mm full suss
150/150mm full suss
170/170mm full suss.
2000s yeti dh bike with triple clamps, a pull shock and a double chainset bodged in
The 170/170mm was a bit much for 95% of the peaks. Fun but heavy for the rest.
The dh tires were so draggy I only rode that bike in the peaks once and sold it.
Either of your bikes will be fine.
One will be better uphill one will be better down.
If you are worried about going downhill take the bigger bike.
If you are worried about not getting up the climbs- you can always get off and push.
There’s no correct answer, but hopefully there is no wrong answer either.