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  • New Top Gear – haters assemble
  • CountZero
    Full Member

    And they have no real enthusiasm for the cars they are driving.

    Must be a parallel stub version of TG, ‘cos when they like a car, they say so, and if they’re disappointed, they say so.

    Yes, another good one. Very few people need a luxury barge with the capabilities of that Range Rover, but bloody hell it was impressive.

    Interesting to see all the problems with the F1 road car as well.

    Couldn’t agree more. The Merc was extraordinary, but honestly a bit embarrassing to watch. All the issues seemed to be with electronics and control systems, which also show up on their road cars – being bricked in park mode after a flat battery, requiring the car to be literally dragged onto a low-loader, or all the whizzy flat-screen displays going black while the car’s actually being driven? Not a good look.
    The RR, however, had me going “what, they’re never going to take it down… **** me they are!”

    At least they put serious off-road rubber on it; plenty of times in the past where they’ve been chucking some honking great SUV across muddy fields or whatever, it’s been wearing fat low-profile road tyres, which is just daft.

    I’d definitely NOT want a light coloured interior, though. I have, in the past, driven a top-end RR Sport, and I have to admit, it showed a possible lifestyle to which I could get very much accustomed to!

    Free Member

    I’d definitely NOT want a light coloured interior, though. I have, in the past, driven a top-end RR Sport, and I have to admit, it showed a possible lifestyle to which I could get very much accustomed to!

    I have to admit, as much as I* hate cars in general, Range Rovers are just very nice places to be. Although if I had £100k+ to spend on getting around surely you would have to be driving one hell of a lot to run up that sort of money on taxis and 1st class trains.

    *Hypocritically owning an old MG

    Full Member

    Tried watching again this weekend. Can’t remember much, my mind wondered off, apart from the AMG struggling. Formula one cars and road cars shouldn’t be mashed together…? Who’d have thunk it.

    Full Member

    Great episode. RR always get the luxury and proper off road spot on.

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed the episode but I don’t agree with any of the previous posts about the capabilities of the Range Rover – they have been able to do that (and plenty more besides) for years and years, just like Toyota Land Cruisers, Lada Rivas, Suzuki Jimnys, Subaru Foresters or any other half-decent off-roader. And it is a terrible shame that 99.9% of the cars built will never be required to be put into descent, rock crawl or wading mode – all that money and it seems like a pointless gimmick. But I would love to have a drive in one though.

    Full Member

    enjoyed it ! Wonder how much the bill was to put the RR back to selling condition – between the front bumper damage and no doubt some dings underneath etc I imagine it would be a fair amount !

    Free Member

    ^^^ I assume it is one they use for press (ie, a quick tidy up of any damage, give it a valet and it’s good to go for the next testers).

    Full Member

    At least they put serious off-road rubber on it; plenty of times in the past where they’ve been chucking some honking great SUV across muddy fields or whatever, it’s been wearing fat low-profile road tyres, which is just daft.

    I’ve been fortunate enough to go to Land Rover Experience a quite few times and the vehicles they use there for the off-road driving experience always have standard roads tyres, the same as those on the vehicles when they come out of the factory. They explained that they want customers to know what their own, standard build vehicles are capable of.

    All of their new vehicles are remarkable off road, the technology and capability is truly fantastic. I always feel quite sad though knowing that all of the that engineering will be wasted on 99% of sold vehicles.

    Free Member

    Loving TG, Sunday night trash TV. It is just fun, 3 blokes having a laugh razzing cars around. The RR test was just brilliant, like others here I’m sat there thinking “No Way is that going across that”.
    Thought the water crossing might have fried some electrics in the RR tho.

    Free Member

    From a less shouty era, just heard one of the original presenters, Sue Baker, has died.

    Free Member

    Thought the water crossing might have fried some electrics in the RR tho.

    I assume critical electrics are sited higher up in the bay with waterproofing (or even inside the car) as will the air filter be – and the water wasn’t that deep really, barely past wheel height (it was just the big splash entrance that made it look deeper than it really was). Taken properly, with a controlled bow-wave, and it would have looked pretty unspectacular though 😂

    Free Member

    The electrics in a Land Rover product don’t need to go into water to go wrong…

    Free Member

    LOL very true

    Free Member

    Capable of getting you up Everest but foiled by the harsh conditions of school-run Chippenham…

    Full Member

    Agree with everyone that it was another good one. Odd to see Harris not appear to be let fully off the leash with the AMG, especially on a track. Always enjoy anything with Freddie getting to be competitive, may have zoned out for the RR but thats ok too

    Full Member

    That Merc was a bit bonkers. £750k for an engine rebuild every 30,000 miles. I liked the idea but I’m not sure that it is an F1 engine. I thought they needed pre warming before they would start and a team of engineers to make it start. Hardly compatible with a turn the key and go. Amazing that they bothered to build it and Im sure they will sell them all

    Free Member

    After reading the updates on here, I thought I was use catch up to view Sunday’s one. I thought it was dull – the Mercedes bit was okay – but the stock car racing went on for ever, and Paddy is just one very annoying individual.

    Full Member

    Harry’s garage knocks spots off TG. Yes I know they are different animals but I do listen to Radio 3.

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    Free Member

    I liked the idea but I’m not sure that it is an F1 engine.

    It is very closely related/derived from. Of course it is not just a case of taking engine from F1 car and putting in road car. It wouldn’t work that well and it would certainly not last 30,000 miles before major work required.

    Full Member

    Shaping up to be a great episode – take 4 “ordinary” low level racers/mechanics and give them 8 weeks to get up to speed in a McLaren GT car

    Full Member

    I’ve watched this mindless crap since James May was introduced as the new guy, and it’s never been the same since that trio left IMO, but that episode knocked it out the park. Great stuff :)

    Full Member

    Fabulous episode. Good luck to those young guys.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Great episode, like the Eddie Kidd tribute they can do something different other than dicking about. Paddy gets a lot of stick on this thread and he can be a bit overly ladish but I think this episode and the Eddie Kidd episode prove he’s alright really, I think 🤔

    Full Member

    That was great. Paddy was much less annoying. I enjoyed the hot hatch piece. But, the main part, giving those young guys a chance at high level racing/spannering, was ace.

    Free Member

    Not sure why it was Paddy though, the only one without racing experience of the 3 and the one who can’t drive a car. Just seamed very odd

    Good to see a slight change in direction for the programme

    Full Member

    Really really enjoyed that. They could of done that as a longer 3 or 4 part stand alone show or a weekly segment to see how they progress over a season or something.  As I said, brilliant, and I have not said that about TG for a long time.

    Full Member

    That was a fantastic episode. Great for them to show what is possible when money doesn’t tilt the scales.
    Awesome to see that most of them have got a foot in the door now

    Full Member

    That was superb TV. Well done to the 4 kids. Great to see that it hasn’t ended there for them too.

    Full Member

    Has Chris Harris eaten an Oompa Loompa?

    He’s twice the size he was the last time I watched this.

    Full Member

    If you heard one of the TG presenter was injured in a crash while filming but didn’t know which one, who do you automatically first think of?

    Hope Freddie’s OK: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63966337

    Full Member

    I automatically assumed it was Hammond!

    Full Member

    Tom Coyne.

    Full Member

    Being a bit vague, other than saying it was low speed.

    Eldest is back from uni so has been catching up on this latest series – really has been a step up

    Full Member

    Being a bit vague, other than saying it was low speed.

    Free advertising for the series re-start this weekend?

    Full Member

    Free advertising for the series re-start this weekend?

    Does it?! The last one only finished a couple of months ago.

    edit – ah, hang on. This is the last one of the current series after a break for the football. So not a couple of months ago.

    Full Member

    Low speed. . . I’m actually a little disappointed in him

    Full Member

    Free advertising for the series re-start this weekend?

    “Hey! Freddie. We need some advertising can you crash the car and be airlifted to hospital with an overnight stay.”

    Full Member

    Free advertising for the series re-start this weekend?

    “Hey! Freddie. We need some advertising can you crash the car and be airlifted to hospital with an overnight stay.”

    I’m not saying that it was planned, just that they are taking advantage of it.

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