Don’t know if I’ve regretted buying a bike or frame yet, but definetly have issues with most. (My own fault, shame of shames, haven’t test ridden anything bar one or two car park pedals .. )
Stuff like:
assuming Id never progress to the point 3″ saddle drop would become an issue, brain shock limitations [spesh SJer FSR]
slack HA, long eff.TT [Pinnacle Camino]
too slack head/seat angles for what I had in mind [sanderson life]
long chainstays, too easy to bottom out shock (@ 20% sag) [titus el guapo]
“Pace 405 and it genuinely the worst bike I’ve ever ridden”
really? sort of good to hear, I spent a while thinking what if after buying my SJer FSR not long before the rc405 came out/got rave reviews