Have just moved from XT 11 speed to XO T-type on a new bike. I was very hesitant to make the change but SRAM has so much of the OEM market tied up right now that if you want higher end suspension then it’s pretty much the defacto choice.
Anyway – two rides in and here are my thoughts:
I think there’s a delay in shifting – it’s most noticeable going from 52 to 45 (so accelerating after a climb) .
I think I need to make it so holding down the shift button does a bunch of shifts because I miss the Shimano multishift currently.
I miss the haptic feedback of cable but I suspect I’ll get used to it.
Tuning the mech is easy via the app.
There’s definitely less “crunching”.
I was fully expecting to hate it and was contemplating taking it off the bike and selling it all to replace with cable but I’m not there yet….