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  • My first Century, Oxduro Content
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    Pleased at 58 to have ridden 100 miles for the first time. pleased that it was an interesting route and an event I wanted to do, rather than a flat road ride to tick a box. It’s been a goal since we did the event 3 years ago but skipped the Chilterns as we were short of time

    I realise that an event like this is a drop in the endurance ocean. But glad that I’ve steadily picked up fitness through my 40s and 50s and overcome numerous stuck joints and soft tissue injuries. It’s helped being on here to see that fitness is a journey with ups and downs for most of us

    The photos are in a bit of a random order but you get the idea. We were pretty much last. Which I see as meaning we stepped up for the challenge




    Full Member

    Nicely done. I’m not too far behind you age-wise and have yet to do any notable distances (41 miles on the road on my own = bored out of my skull), so this is quite aspirational.

     We were pretty much last. Which I see as meaning we stepped up for the challenge.

    I like that. I’m nicking that, if that’s okay.

    Full Member

    congratulations @ampthill 🙂

    Full Member

    @brakestoomuch use as you like. It comes from my climbing days. I went from crags where people thought you were good if you did an E1 to a crag where I queued for an E3. Great life lesson on so many levels

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