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  • Most beautiful thing
  • Scapegoat
    Full Member

    For me it’s got to be music. I’ve been privileged to sing with some truly great musicians, ever since I was really young, but now that I can truly appreciate the beauty of the human voice, and the genius of those that can conceive and write truly wonderful music to showcase just how good the human voice can be. From early English and Italian Renaissance polyphony to a truly great rock song, the purity of a really good voice is hard to beat.

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    A smile given or received with a stranger

    Full Member

    Most, ok all nature stuff is totally awe inspiring, I don’t know where to start with naming one object. I love how nature just happens. I picked up a stick from the woods over summer and stuck it in the ground to stake my pumpkin plant. A couple of weeks later the stick started growing leaves, so I now hope it will grow into a (cherry) tree in the garden. And cherries are pretty amazing. And pumpkins. They grow FAST. I’ll do pictures of it all tmrow.

    Free Member

    Grum’s murmuration has my vote, magical. And looking into a river from a bridge is enchanting.

    Full Member

    I don’t have a picture to share but you can all see it can’t you?

    See it? I can taste it|

    Free Member

    Just beholding people actually being able to post pictures on this forum is a beautiful thing.

    It’s been years since I was able to post a picture. I gave up even trying. Some helpful chap sometimes posts ‘easy to follow’ instructions on the subject, which are three pages long.

    If I was able to post a picture on this thread it would probably be one of Shannyn Sossamon.

    Full Member

    There are many, many beautiful things if you’re in the right mindset but the one that has my attention at the moment:
    I’m currently working offshore Israel, close enough to land that I can see lights at night.
    Generally the rig smells of rig – machinery, grease, exhaust fumes, etc. but sometimes in a morning, if the wind direction is just right and before the day’s activities start, there is an amazing smell of flowers blowing in from the land. Sitting there with a cup of coffee watching the sun come up and being surrounded by that aroma is my current favourite thing to experience.

    Free Member

    For nature birds of prey.for manmade bridges helicopters and hand decorated canal long boats.

    Full Member

    The sound of my kids laughing and playing outside on a sunny day. It makes me smile with true joy, followed by a tiny sliver of sadness, knowing they will one day grow up and move out.

    Enjoying a wholesome meal – I’ve made – as a family after returning from a walk or cycle, with everyone clearing their plates, happy and contented.

    Full Member

    Not in any particular order – seeing my wife wake up with a hint of a smile on her face, buzzards on the wing and of course – boobies 🙂

    Free Member

    As ads678 showed with a beautiful picture.

    Fire. Dancing flames. In a controlled manner – less excited by wildfire.
    I really want a log burner, but not sure if there’s anywhere in the house we are moving to shortly where I can fit one(no chimney and no suiteable outside wall area). Currently living with the in-laws who have one and I can just sit and watch it for ages.

    Free Member

    Apart from the obvious, I love to sit on the beach and just watch the waves. Horribly cliched, but for good reason – the sunset on Hayling Island can be glorious.

    Coke and hookers….

    Full Member

    Beautiful probably isn’t the word to describe it, but then again it could?

    We have a couple of sparrow hawks that have been using our urban garden as a regular stop recently for breakfast, not sure why? Sometimes they bring a pack lunch, sometimes they pick something up here.

    I can watch them from a couple of metres away and see the beauty of their markings and the bold black and yellow eye that watches constantly for any movement, the power of the beak and legs as they move their prey into a manageable position is so nimble yet so powerful.

    One day last year a bird just arrived and stayed under the twisted hazel tree for shelter from the heavy rain, just bouncing between the stones looking for a dry spot. Must have been in for around 30mins just doing nothing but watching and listening. Couldn’t take my eyes off it.

    One arrived yesterday, brought its own lunch, tucked in then took off. I find it fascinating being that close to something that I wouldn’t have expected to find in a garden on an estate on the edge of a busy town.

    Free Member

    I think you’ve just discovered mindfulness, haven’t you?

    Pretty much anything can be extraordinarily beautiful if you look at it in the right way.

    Full Member

    @allanoleary your comment brought this into my mind from a few years ago when out biking one frosty morning. It was beautiful.

    Free Member

    For me.. especially when they are perfect and undamaged.

    Free Member

    Chilly, crisp, still, October sunrise

    An ancient oak hand rail, chair back, door handle worn smooth over years of use


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