crikey » Use a small rucsac; as well as avoiding the stares handing over your freedom of choice to the cavemen it’s more practical of a PITA as you have to take it off everytime you need to reach for something. On the plus side a rucksack does lend a manly, intrepid, expedite air as the lucky wearer adventures through merciless railway carriages (‘Sorry, sorrry oops yes my sac hit you in the face/boob/dislodged your toddler but it IS manly, *wink*’)and navigates treacherous public seating arrangements. It has the added benefit of providing a back-rest should seating be deficiently provided**.
*Top tip- a rucsac may be easier to forget/lose if keep taking it off, so choose back-less seats if at all possible. And stay out of tight-spaces/small bike-shops/crystal emporiums.
** Note – If seating provides adequate back-rest then your rucsac will become a pain in the back. Yes you have to take it off again. Or just sit there leaning forward, glancing furtively about to see if anyone notices. As if you pooped yourself.
EDIT. There will be more intrepid men with both larger and smaller sacs. If you catch them checking you, simply ignore and break into a small jog/leap an obstacle***
*** NOT a ticket barrier