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  • Liz! Truss!
  • dissonance
    Full Member

    Cant believe she left off Dorris!

    Full Member

    Are these just proposed or actually going through 😳

    Full Member

    I see the absolute lunatic is still maintain that none of the chaos was her fault.

    Surely someone needs to put her somewhere safe and soundproof for her own sake

    Full Member

    They played her speech on Five Live as she made it.

    It was the unhinged ramblings of an absolute madwoman. She is completely and utterly hatstand

    She’s still totally unapologetic, completely unrepentant and still maintaining that she was absolutely right about everything all along. Apparently (surprise surprise!) its everybody else’s fault, not hers… the Bank of England, Civil Servants, the ‘financial orthodoxy’, lefties, the unions, the media, The BBC (obviously) etc, etc etc…

    She’s living in some kind of alternative universe.

    I bet Rishi is really thanking her for her contribution, which include this deluge on Twitter, which I’m sure the labour party will be retweeting. Its like she wasn’t part of any of this and its nothing to do with her at all.

    Madder than a bucket of spiders…





    Full Member

    Surely someone needs to put her somewhere safe and soundproof for her own sake

    If Liz Truss is the last gasp of the Tufton St neo-liberals then we can probably sleep easy at night. It really is amazing that every time the small state/low tax/pro-rich system fails, the likes of Truss come out and say ‘that’s because we didn’t go far enough’. It’s even more amazing that some people still believe them.

    Full Member

    I pay a marginal tax rate of 100% on the proportion of my earnings that is deducted for tax.

    I really really really wish just once interviewers and commentators would laugh in the face of any idiot using the fantasy term “marginal tax rate”. As mad as the lettuce is, such concepts are allowed to become the real orthodoxy by a compliant media.

    Full Member

    Her brain is like the contents of a bin lorry.

    Rancid juice that spills out of a large opening.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    I pay a marginal tax rate of 100% on the proportion of my earnings that is deducted for tax.

    I really really really wish just once interviewers and commentators would laugh in the face of any idiot using the fantasy term “marginal tax rate”. As mad as the lettuce is, such concepts are allowed to become the real orthodoxy by a compliant media

    I don’t get it, isn’t “marginal tax rate” a perfectly reasonable measure to use to describe progressive tax rates as income increases?

    Full Member

    Can we have the lettuce back to see what it thinks? It’s probably got more of an idea than she has.

    Full Member

    Its mad how someones perception of themselves is so completely different from how the world perceives them, isn’t it?

    Everyone looks at Liz Truss and just thinks of the lettuce and sees her as nothing more than an object of ridicule and contempt, but for some reason she sees herself as some international stateswoman who everyone is waiting to hear words of wisdom from

    Has there ever been a more delusional politician?

    Free Member

    The rumour is that the dark money behind Tufton street is very unhappy that her libertarian, supply side economics has been shown up to for what it is by her disastrous budget, and that unless she continues to make these speeches, she ain’t getting any more donations.


    <span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; font-family: Roboto, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Arial, ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, ‘Apple Color Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Symbol’, ‘Noto Color Emoji’;”>Everyone looks at Liz Truss and just thinks of the lettuce and sees her as nothing more than an object of ridicule and contempt, but for some reason she sees herself as some international stateswoman who everyone is waiting to hear words of wisdom from</span>

    Unfortunately they don’t. Parts of the right wing press are pushing the “unfairly done to” story pretty hard and some people are lapping it up because it’s coming from The Telegraph.

    Full Member

    Every time she comes up with a new plan all I can think of is this:


    We can’t possibly do that Mr Flibbles.  Who’d clean up the mess…

    Full Member

    Parts of the right wing press are pushing the “unfairly done to” story pretty hard and some people are lapping it up because it’s coming from The Telegraph.

    Indeed. I’m sure that this ultra-free-market nonsense will play very well with the swivel-eyed loons on the Tory Backbenches, who despite largely keeping it to themselves since her 49 day debacle still agree with every word she says.

    They love a good conspiracy theory so I’m sure her blaming of everyone else but herself in her ‘anti-growth coalition’ twoddle is also something they agree with

    Full Member

     I’m sure that this ultra-free-market nonsense will play very well with the swivel-eyed loons on the Tory Backbenches,

    Its the same goons trying over & over to rehabilitate their small state , no tax, f-k the poor, trickle down nonsense , these Tufton st clowns have a lot of support from the RW press to

    Rehabilitating Truss’s image is doomed to failure, but you can bet she will keep on trying.

    Full Member

    Indeed. I’m sure that this ultra-free-market nonsense will play very well with the swivel-eyed loons on the Tory Backbenches,

    Well yes.
    You only need to look at the mail and telegraph on the day of the budget. Full of praise for the daring leadership and true tory budget.
    Followed by some worried silence.
    Then a reverse ferret.
    Then the attempt to rebuild based around the idea being sound but just the execution being slightly wrong.

    Full Member

    All the Truss existence does is help other less confused right-wingers carry out the exact same plan – but with softer edges. There is no other plan other than expectations of growth and trickle-down.

    Full Member

    The likes of Peter Bone and Bill Cash and the Hyacinth Buckets of the Tory “grass roots” adore her and help fuel The Truss narrative. Dangerous bunch of bigots.

    Free Member

    <span style=”caret-color: #ffffff; color: #ffffff; font-family: Roboto, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Arial, ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, ‘Apple Color Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Symbol’, ‘Noto Color Emoji’; background-color: #595959;”>Has there ever been a more delusional politician?</span>

    TBH we’ve been rather spoilt for choice the last few years…..

    Full Member

    They love a good conspiracy theory so I’m sure her blaming of everyone else but herself in her ‘anti-growth coalition’ twoddle is also something they agree with

    The anti-growth coalition has now been renamed ‘the global left’, and includes well known raging communists such as Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt, the entire civil service, and probably the King himself.

    Full Member

    So, she’s got a book coming out on economics. Ok Lizzie… that should be a great read. Will this be before or after Mad Nads book on the plot against Bori Johnson?

    Full Member

    Love Mark Carney’s quote on Brexit and Trussonomics, “…when Brexiteers tried to create Singapore on the Thames, the Truss government instead delivered Argentina on the Channel.”

    Full Member

    She’s just the IEA’s useful idiot, grifting for the Tufton St thinktankers and RW US billionaires behind them. They are still not done trying to milk the UK, so they are just using her to keep their daft ideas in the news. And the Torygraph and Daily Heil are complicit putting her on the front pages.And who the F are the Institute for Government giving her a platform

    She is so delusional that she thinks she is an intellectual, but hopefully enough of the the wider world realise she is washed up. My wife has LBC on in the background during the day, and the consensus seems to be she should F off and disappear.

    Full Member

    She is so delusional that she thinks she is an intellectual,

    She is absolute peak Dunning-Kruger material. Thick as mince but convinced she is some kind of hard-done-by genius.

    Full Member

    Mrs Zip is listening to the Rory Stewart book. The bit on Liz Truss is frightening.
    A complete **** idiot.

    Full Member

    The passages in the Rory Stewart book are illuminating!

    Listening to it as well.

    Full Member

    John Crace on the money about ‘Radon Liz’

    She really is the unflushable turd.

    Channel 4 news we’re saying that today was an attempt to re-ingratiate herself with the far right headbangers in the Tory party who will no doubt seize full control once they get shut of Rishi after they lose the general election.

    You’d like to think she was a bit too mental even for them, but then just look at them

    Free Member

    The bit where Stewart first meets Truss in her role as boss (DEFRA minister) is actually part of the free sample of the audiobook in his podcast feed this week. It’s very funny (if you can avoid weeping).

    Full Member

    It’s on The Rest Is Politics podcast too.

    I think it was David Davis on the News Agents a few weeks after she went, when asked if she’d just got absolutely everything wrong demurred and suggested it just wasn’t handled very well and fundamentally the concepts were sound. These ideas are far from dead in their tracks.

    Free Member

    Truss and her mate Kwazi still owe me £5k from my pension and I’m sure billions to others in this country. Why is she not in jail? Okay, an over simplification , but if some other person/body did the same to the UK’s economy there would be calls for some kind of justice.

    Full Member

    Are the 2 perpetrators members of the FSA? Can we get them struck off?

    Full Member

    These ideas are far from dead in their tracks

    Im sure there are some well funded think tanks debating over how they get these ideas back in the driving seat & popular with the mainstream- if they think Truss is person to do that though, then theyre really not the smartest bunch

    Full Member

    Im sure there are some well funded think tanks debating over how they get these ideas back in the driving seat & popular with the mainstream

    Sending out Liz to say ‘It’s all still the right policies, I just f***** it all up’ is the first stage in that. She’s clearly done a lot of damage and the billionaires have told her it’s her mess and her job to clear it up.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Im sure there are some well funded think tanks debating over how they get these ideas back in the driving seat & popular with the mainstream- if they think Truss is person to do that though, then theyre really not the smartest bunch

    I think given the options they have open in the short term they’re just making her a scapegoat- keep encouraging her and telling her how right she is, keep sending her out, keep letting her look like an absolute tube, then after a while you just float the idea that the ideas were sound but she was incompetent and that it would have all worked out fine with a different person. Shouldn’t work, but it definitely could.

    Bear in mind also that the objective of these people isn’t necessarily to have their ideas actually happen. For a lot of think tanks and even political movements, the goldilocks zone is to be in the area where it seems possible and so they can still hoover up funds and be in the public eye and all that comes with it, but where none of it ever actually gets put to the test.

    Full Member

    Truss more popular than ever at Tory conference

    Full Member

    Bottom right first picture – is that Hitler trying to fathom out modern tech?

    Free Member

    Nope, trying to fathom how he came 19th in the most evil bastard in the room competition.

    Full Member

    is that Hitler trying to fathom out modern tech?

    It’s Gordon Kaye. Looking at an animated gif of the Fallen Madonna wiz the Big Boobies on Jacob Rees Mogg’s Bebo page.

    Full Member

    Can you imagine being so detached from reality that you think Truss is just a misunderstood genius stabbed in the back by the notoriously socialist banking elite?

    It’s got to be a mental illness surely?

    Full Member

    I went to see Frankie Boyle tonight. He said she looks like the sort of person masturbates whilst thinking of new build houses.

    That explains a lot

    Full Member

    Liz Truss has competition.

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