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  • Liz! Truss!
  • bigdugsbaws
    Free Member

    Thats a brilliant review 😂

    Full Member


    “We’ve only got 10 years to save the west” Written in the style of an excitable five-year-old on acid.

    Oh my gummy bears and glittery rainbows! 🌈🍬🌟

    So, like, listen up, grown-ups! Liz Truss, the super-duper, mega-wega, ultra-fantastic conservative hero, wrote this book called “Ten Years to Save the West.” 📚🌎

    And guess what? It’s like a crazy-awesome adventure where she battles the evil forces of left-wing political agendas and rides on unicorn farts to fight for freedom! 🦄💨

    Liz says, “Hey, dudes and dudettes, we’ve got only ten tiny years to save our super-cool Western way of life from the clutches of authoritarianism!” 😱🕰️

    She’s all like, “Yo, let’s preserve our cotton candy clouds of economic and cultural freedom! No more boring socialism, taxes, or regulations, okay?” 🍭💰🚫

    And Boris Johnson, the big boss of Britain, he’s like, “Liz Truss is right, peeps! We need to unleash enterprise, boost growth, and reject the global left’s nonsense!” 🇬🇧👊

    So, grab your marshmallow fluff, hop on your gumdrop rocket, and join the quest to save the West! 🚀🌟

    Remember, if you ignore Liz’s warning, you might end up in a bubblegum shark-infested moat. And nobody wants that, right? 🦈🍬

    Go, go, go! Read her book, learn the lessons, and let’s keep our Western vibes alive! 📖🌟🎉

    P.S. Liz Truss rocks, and so do you! 🤘

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I don’t think that picture is real, no way that line of coke would be unsnorted with Liz and KK around.

    Full Member

    The piece of Laughing Cow cheese on the left side of Binners’ photo made me howl 🤣

    Full Member


    Antisemitic false Rothschild quote cut from Liz Truss memoir


    Full Member

    Your link doesn’t seem to be working kimbers


    I particularly liked:

    Ms Truss’s spokesman said she had not “meant” to cause offence.

    I reckon not causing offence goes to the very heart of her being.

    I also liked:

    A source close to Ms Truss said: “Liz came across the quote and thought it a useful way of illustrating a point about the Bank of England.

    Numerous online sources have stated that it was attributed to Rothschild, so she simply attributed it thus. Clearly nothing more was meant of it.”

    So she can’t be arsed to do proper research for her own book, or pay someone to do it. I guess that fits in with the ineptitude of Britain’s shortest ever serving prime minister.

    Full Member

    And I was fascinated by this:

    Biteback Publishing says it will remove the quote from all future editions.

    There are going to be “future editions”? How many are they expecting to sell???

    Full Member

    I’ve just watched the Peston interview with her

    Lizzies fantasy world: “we were blindsided”

    Reality: we ignored absolutely everyone’s advice who all told us that what we were doing was completely insane, did it anyway, then were shocked when it all played out exactly as they all said it would

    Madder than a bucket of spiders!

    How the hell did this utter jellyhead end up as PM?

    Full Member

    How the hell did this utter jellyhead end up as PM?

    the Conservative Party membership voted for her and would probably do so again given half a chance…

    Free Member

    “Antisemitic false Rothschild quote cut from Liz Truss memoir”

    To be fair, I don’t think Liz Truss would ever have read an anti-Semitic fake quote and let it stay in her memoir.

    Free Member

    I reckon not causing offence goes to the very heart of her being.

    Yeah. She didn’t write that all on her own.

    “I want to repeal the equalities act, because I want a meritocracy”

    “We should stop worrying about how many people get a slice of the pie.  We need to grow the pie so that more people can benefit”.

    For all intents and purposes, The part of Truss’s mind that has any comprehension of human values atrophied when she clubbed together with noted humanists Kwarteng, Raab, Skdimore and Patel to lend their names to  Britannia Unchained

    Free Member

    To be fair, I don’t think Liz Truss would ever have read an anti-Semitic fake quote and let it stay in her memoir.

    To be fair, I don’t think Liz Truss would ever have read

    Full Member

    To be fair, I don’t think Liz Truss would ever, anything.

    Free Member

    We should stop worrying about how many people get a slice of the pie.  We need to grow the pie so that more people can benefit

    Another way of saying a rising tide lifts all boats.  May be true to a certain extent in theory but in reality the rich benefit from the bigger pie and the poor carry on as they were or become even worse off due to policy decision that have nothing to do with the size of the pie.

    Could ask her why her saved west would be any different based on the fact she is a **** and all the people with her are ****.

    Full Member

    “Antisemitic false Rothschild quote cut from Liz Truss memoir”

    The odd thing is what it says is basically what the tufton street lot are dreaming off. All the power in the hands of a few private individuals with the state and everyone else having no choice but to meet their demands.

    Another way of saying a rising tide lifts all boats.

    Its quite telling that they arent the same. The tide specifically includes everyone whereas her version says its okay to exclude people.

    It looks to be a knock off of an economics idea but she has missed the point that that one is about rather than having the different interested parties (say shareholders and employees) fighting each other to get a bigger piece of the current pie if they work together then they can grow the pie and both end up with more.

    Free Member

    The odd thing is what it says is basically what the tufton street lot are dreaming off.

    I think it’s a mistake to imagine that the Tufton Street “think tanks” have any sort of vision at all. Instead they are paid to come up with some sort of pseudo-intellectual framework to justify their paymasters ideology. Hence their reluctance to reveal the sources of their funding.

    Full Member

    That New Statesman article is excellent!

    Full Member

    Warning – truss interview on sky news Sunday 8.30am; go to church, go for a walk, have a lie-in, do whatever it takes to avoid the talking lettuce.

    Full Member

    It’s worth watching Have I Got News For You from Friday 19th April on iPlayer, they absolutely went to town on the whole Truss thing.

    Full Member

    I think it’s a mistake to imagine that the Tufton Street “think tanks” have any sort of vision at all.

    I think some of them do but fair point. It was mostly those who were handing them the cash that I was thinking off.

    Whilst I dont think most dream of achieving that fake quote I do think most look back to the good old times before the black death (in western Europe and later in Eastern) where the peasants could be kept in their place providing cash to their overlords.

    Full Member

    Brilliant from Private Eye 😂


    Full Member

    Hopefully an epitaph for this shameful excuse for a human being but here’s hoping she’s too toxic and vacuous for any further exposure to the public…


    Bye ??

    Free Member

    So her seat was lost to Labour, Johnson’s old seat went to Labour ( just), May’s old seat went to Liberal Democrat. Another fact that my brother told me was that there are now no Tory mp’s in Oxfordshire which he thinks is first since the 1770’s. Quite astonishing

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