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  • Liz! Truss!
  • binners
    Full Member

    She still seems to think she’s Foreign Secretary

    Mind you, the actual Foreign Secretary doesn’t  appear to not know what day it is

    Full Member

    Thank whoever she isn’t…

    Full Member

    Free Member

    he seems a decent enough PM

    I think that is merely by comparison. You’ve had your expectations lowered so far that someone who doesn’t crash the economy in a fortnight or get caught red handed having illicit pissups is seen as ‘decent enough’.

    Sunak is just the least worst option.

    Full Member

    She must be really frustrated with the anti-growth coalition in charge. Why are they trying to drive the economy into recession when they could simply choose growth instead, like she did?

    Full Member

    Maybe it’s a ploy by Boris’s  backers. Don’t like Sunak? Well, if Boris isnt allowed back this is who’ll you’ll get again!

    Free Member

    She must be really frustrated with the anti-growth coalition in charge. Why are they trying to drive the economy into recession when they could simply choose growth instead, like she did?

    The tragic (and worrying in equal measure) thing here is that this is exactly what Truss thinks is true. In a way, it is, but only in the special universe that exists only in the otherwise empty space between her ears.

    Full Member

    So Liz Truss is moving her attention from merely focusing on the UK’s economic woes to seeking solutions on a more global scale.


    I guess that if the UK wouldn’t listen to her the rest of the world might.

    Full Member

    Who’s going to listen to Shanker Singham, after what he’s helped to do to the UK economy? Remember the Legatum Institute?

    Full Member

    Stand back folks… Mrs Self-Awareness is back

    Free Member

    I’d love to hear her thoughts on the economist Kate Raworth, and the principles of Doughnut economics. I fear old Liz would struggle with the basics though.

    Full Member

    She must have got all the best smoke and mirrors experts on board.
    Hope she is investing some of her annual (failed PM) salary in this project.

    Full Member

    Here is a fuller article:


    I found this Liz Truss quote particularly interesting:

    “If over the next two decades the UK economy could achieve annual GDP per capita growth of 3% – as was achieved in the UK in 1950s”

    The postwar reconstruction of the 1950s obviously involved big government with the establishment of a universal welfare state and massive public spending on projects such as huge and unprecedented social housing projects, all the things which Margaret Thatcher passionately railed against 30 years later.

    Full Member

    A new economic organisation, set up by Liz Truss, will launch on Wednesday, with a report claiming the average British person is £10,000 worse off than people in the US

    …Following a Decade of Tory Rule, during which Liz Truss was part of the cabinet, nicely rounded off with her stint as PM. Definitely a Safe pair of hands…

    I do like the name she’s given it though “The Growth Commission” I imagine all the “Experts” she’s recruited will like putting that on their CVs.

    If this was the end goal of her grift, to set up yet another RW economic “think tank” I honestly can’t think of a worse candidate to lead it.
    I somehow doubt they’ll be taking many TV bookings off of Chatham House, The Heritage Foundation or the Adam Smith Institute when a professional bullshitter is needed.
    It’s more likely that News Night book someone from The Growth Commission when they want to take the piss…

    Full Member

    She’s not very bright though Ernesto. To say the least. This is what it would be like trying to explain the inherent contradiction in those two opposing positions to her…

    Full Member

    Hope she is investing some of her annual (failed PM) salary in this project.

    They’ll be no UK money involved at all, hers or anyone else’s. It’ll all be USA money, via offshores.

    Free Member

    I struggle to see Liz Truss setting up a teddy bears tea party, let alone an ‘economic organisation’. Whatever that is. So, what actually is an ‘economic organisation’ ? Is it a legitimate sounding combination of words that really means ‘opaquely backed and dubiously funded propaganda generator’ ?

    Full Member

    Well knock me down with a feather.
    Looking at their co-chairmen.
    Douglas Williams: Couldnt see an obvious match although one story says Douglas McWilliams instead which seems more plausible.

    However the second chair Shanker Singham just happens to be a IEA bod.

    Free Member

    Qu’ell surprise.

    Full Member

    So, what actually is an ‘economic organisation’ ?

    A mouthpiece for (usually American) disaster capitalist tax dodgers

    Free Member

    She’s just a “name” to stick on the front, as mentioned above, a quick search deeper into it will reveal the real money and direction behind it. Still, good luck with using the world’s worst PM to front it!

    Full Member

    But the people who still think Brexit was a great idea, also still think Liz was right and it was the ‘lefty economic establishment’ that caused the chaos not the fact that she’s as thick as mince

    Full Member

    that caused the chaos not the fact that she’s as thick as mince

    Well no because it wasnt just her but their ideas in general.
    They have been blaming her for failing to explain the genius of the ideas though.

    Full Member

    So, what actually is an ‘economic organisation’ ?

    Google ‘list of think tanks’ and you’ll see a big old list of strangely familiar “institutes”, “organisations”, “funds” and “foundations” dig a little further and you’ll find these are propped up with the spare change of a few conservative cajillionaires (many but not all from ‘Merica).

    What these outfits tend to do is a mixture of propaganda and lobbying on the behalf of their pay masters. they frequently turn up on the news either with a “report” or “paper” telling the world we need fewer taxes and/or regulations because moneys. Or they offer someone up to speculate on current affairs often with a Neo-lib, money bitch spin…

    Full Member

    My first thought is that PR blitz from Truss is being paid for by someone

    She is also obviously desperate to rebuild her credibility, but that ship has surely sailed

    Full Member

    Well no because it wasn’t just her but their ideas in general.

    Its quite the reflection of her frankly staggering lack of self-awareness that she’s still blissfully unaware that all she is is a useful sock-puppet for the global tax-dodging uber-rich.

    The only incredible thing is that they still want her as their sock puppet. She’s not exactly a source of credibility, is she?

    Full Member

    The only incredible thing is that they still want her as their sock puppet. She’s not exactly a source of credibility, is she?

    Perhaps but it’s all just bandwidth for the message.
    If the goal is to control the general narrative and its relatively cheap to fund yet another think tank. The money bags she schmoozed in yank land probably perceive her as being sufficiently on message and having a level of public visibility to them her actual standing is probably a bit secondary.

    If the population of Airstip one recognise one of their former PMs and hear the capitalist claptrap she spouts, a proportion of those will hoover up the “facts” she relates, re-spout them on SM and before you know it previously wild notions have become a “widespread belief”…

    What does it cost them? a couple of million? Rent a London office, pop Lizzy and the usual suspects on a retainer, grab a few Oxbridge Grads to do the donkey work and hey presto you’re in business…

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who has a sense of woe whenever this thread gets an update?

    “WTF has she said it done now?”

    She needs locking up/institutionalised.

    Full Member

    The really interesting thing will be seeing if she’s actually understood the nature of her new working relationship; that she is no longer a free agent able to spout at will, but a bought and paid for mouthpiece, required to stay on message…

    Can she adhere to the fluff they want her to relay to the great unwashed of the UK? Especially if/when that brings her back into contact with the news media?
    I reckon she’ll struggle with that one…

    Full Member

    She is also obviously desperate to rebuild her credibility, but that ship has surely sailed

    They’d be running submarine trips to that ship if it was still a thing.

    I’m annoyed that Truss is still around for me to even care / comment. She should just foxtrot oscar into some crappy consulting job. Horrid person.

    Full Member

    The most galling thing of all is that her infinite stupidity having caused financial hardship to so many she will, just like the rest of them, fail upwards

    I imagine ‘right-wing, think-tank sock puppet’ is another handsomely remunerated gig on top of the rewards for failure that her mercifully brief but catastrophic tenure as PM has afforded her

    I can’t wait to see her honours list. Because there sure as shit will be an honours list and I suspect it’ll more than likely be bigger an even more shameless than Johnsons. Right wing think-tanks espousing batshit crazy economic theories are sure to feature heavily. Arise Sir Tufton Street

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who has a sense of woe whenever this thread gets an update?

    Not necessarily – there’s always the chance that she’s been egged or lamped by someone.

    Full Member

    @alpin No. But then I feel that for both the Johnson and Trump threads as well, although the Trump ne is usually followed by “… or is he dead now?”

    Full Member

    Bit confused here, is it an economic organisation or an economics organisation?

    Full Member

    “… or is he dead now?”

    That’s how I feel for the threads on this odious trio of ****. I feel like I can start to understand the hatred Thatcher got from various sections of society.

    Full Member

    As a gift to the satirists she really is a little gem

    Full Member

    A B C, It’s easy as 1 2 3, as simple as
    do re mi.

    Economics is harder.

    Full Member

    in that twitter pic

    “The United Kingdom of Elsewhere in the World.

    I didn’t realise there was this far reaching coalition – it’s certainly making us look very much like outsiders now.

    Full Member

    It’s been attacked by the Anti B Coalition

    Full Member

    It’s been attacked by the Anti B Coalition

    I assume it got a last minute edit and they removed “halfwitted IEA and friends policies” but failed to tidy up.

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