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  • Liz! Truss!
  • stevextc
    Free Member


    Remember when JRM’s hateful sister Annunziata(?) somehow got herself elected as an MEP and on getting to Brussels she was given an iPad and a phone and various other accoutrements of being an MEP…

    She posted on Twitter to say what a waste of resources etc cos she already had all this stuff and people absolutely ripped into her explaining that it was there for her to DO HER JOB as a **** MEP, be able to access classified documents, conduct MEP business in a secure manner etc…

    Maybe she was only there for the gravy train aspect and didn’t think she’d have to do any work… Bet the EU were glad to see the back of the UK after we sent them morons like Farage, Widdecombe and ARM.

    Remember no, surprised no….

    MEP’s aside … when you watch Parliament TV and how these supposed adults act I’m sure most of them think they are on some sort of RealityTV show just trying to entertain and not get sent home.

    Full Member

    when you watch Parliament TV and how these supposed adults act I’m sure most of them think they are on some sort of RealityTV show just trying to entertain and not get sent home.

    Im sure they know which devices they can browse their tractor porn on

    Im pretty sure Cummings admitted that it was common practice recently (using non-secure email/phones for gov business), which is ironic when hes always using is next level brain powers to warns us about the dangers of cyber wrafare etc

    Full Member

    And another of Truss’s appointees – JRM’s ex business partner Dominic Johnson gets the push too.

    But here is the best bit – he was made a Lord to carry out the role as a government minister but he doesn’t have to give that back!!!

    By some strange coincidence ‘Lord’ Johnson was vice chairman of the tory party from ’16 – ’19 and has donated £250 000 to the scummy bastards since 2014.

    Full Member

    Good news. Well, apart from what he gets out of doing nothing that is.

    Full Member


    The figure of Truss is clutching a cardboard box containing a goodbye card, a copy of Guinness World Records in reference to her record as the shortest-serving prime minister, a copy of her mini-budget, a “make Britain great again” red cap, a T-shirt with the slogan “I am a fighter, not a quitter” and a cheque for £115,000 in reference to the perpetual funding provided to ex-prime ministers.

    The box itself has a big upside down U with the words “this way up” the wrong way up and “Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear Packaging Ltd” – a reference to King Charles’ words to Truss when she arrived to meet him.

    Edenbridge seems a strange venue for the public mocking of a former Tory Prime Minister – it couldn’t be more Tory heartland.

    Edenbridge is in a parliamentary constituency which in the last general election the Tories received 63% of the vote.

    Full Member

    ^^ Blinding work done on that arsehole.👍

    The cats I mean.

    Full Member

    He has a point.

    Full Member

    incorruptible honesty.

    Apart from the fact that he was shagging someone else’s missus whilst he was Prime Minister and preaching Tory “traditional family values” to everyone else in his Back to Basics campaign.

    Full Member

    And not forgetting that he sat on his fat arse and did sweet **** all when the shit hit the fan and over a third of a million people lost their homes, and countless more became prisoners of negative equity, due to failed Tory policies.

    Choosing instead to blame the victims themselves for the unprecedented and historical housing crises caused by his and Thatcher’s policies:


    Full Member

    FFS ernie – major’s premiership ended in 1997 and he stood down an MP in 2001; that’s 21 years ago.
    No-one – other than you, apparently – gives a flying one about major.
    The thread is about truss – and she is also history.
    Time to move on.

    Full Member

    And not forgetting that he sat on his fat arse and did sweet **** all when the shit hit the fan and over a third of a million people lost their homes, and countless more became prisoners of negative equity, due to failed Tory policies.

    I think you’re missing that it was a joke – Major was not a great PM, but he looks like an utter superstar compared to the recent bunch.

    Free Member

    No-one – other than you, apparently – gives a flying one about major.
    The thread is about truss – and she is also history.
    Time to move on.

    It wasn’t Ernie who brought Major into the conversation.

    Full Member

    FFS ernie – major’s premiership ended in 1997 and he stood down an MP in 2001; that’s 21 years ago.
    No-one – other than you, apparently – gives a flying one about major.
    The thread is about truss – and she is also history.
    Time to move on.

    Thanks for the tip Frank but I didn’t bring up John Major – having trouble following the thread?

    And if Truss is history why are you clicking on this thread? Just to police it?

    Full Member

    I think you’re missing that it was a joke

    Well I certainly thought “incorruptible honesty” in the context of him shagging someone else’s missus while preaching traditional Tory family values to the nation was hilarious, does that count?

    Full Member

    Well I certainly thought “incorruptible honesty” in the context of him shagging someone else’s missus while preaching traditional Tory family values to the nation was hilarious, does that count?

    That would be a major clue.

    Free Member

    Choosing instead to blame the victims themselves for the unprecedented and historical housing crises caused by his and Thatcher’s policies:

    Funny that as that is exactly what I’ve seen on Twitter from the Tory bots & shills in regard to the current interest rate rises and folk not been able to afford their mortgages.

    Same PlayBook.

    Full Member

    Politicians don’t leave it long before trying to re-write history, do they?

    Mind you…. If a political career can be resurrected in just 6 days, why hold back

    Free Member

    “It wasnt me, sir, honest it wasnt. It was that truss girl from 5c, sir.” Says the former holder of the second highest office in the land. What a snivelling rat.

    Full Member

    To be fair Liz Truss blamed Kwarteng for implementing the tax policies which she herself championed during her leadership campaign. She was widely condemned for doing so.


    Callous self-serving ambitious Tory politicians stabbing each other in the back in a desperate and futile attempt to hang on to some credibility shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

    These people aim for high office because they want to boost their egos, not endure public humiliation. They have no loyalty to anyone other than themselves, not even to their own party.

    Full Member

    Wot Ernie says

    Free Member
    Full Member

    the BBC photo sums her up

    Full Member

    Lol at that picture. Yeah, the sign says it all.

    That said, what world is she living in? Yet she’ll likely still hold onto her seat.

    I don’t know who’s worse, her, out the folks that will vote for her?

    Full Member

    Not 100% convinced that the members would reject her, given the opportunity…


    …not a clue.

    Full Member

    Link doesn’t work

    Full Member

    They’ve deleted the tweet. It was in regards to a Times article about Tory MPs looking to bring back Truss… can’t find it though (paywalled anyway).

    Full Member

    I love the fact that Truss is still massively pissed off about her comparison to the lettuce which outlasted her, calling it ‘puerile’. They obviously really got under her skin with it

    As for bringing her back, they’re actually mental enough to do it, aren’t they?

    Free Member

    they both have the all charisma of a fresh turd, so the thinking is the white turd will have more appeal to their racist base?

    Full Member

    Its floundering around out of touch.  No one with any sense wants to be tory leader right now.  Truss has also carefully cultivated her nanny / maggie image which is something too many tories like

    Free Member

    Hmm, I didnt think that Rishi was doing too bad a job, well, compared to Truss and Johnson anyway. Clearly none of them have a clue, and are just stumbling along, but he seems a decent enough PM, but the whole Party are dead men walking with little in the way of actually running the country, they just seem to be leaving things as they are, and hoping things get a little better without their interfering. Truss and Johnson were constantly interfering with things, and it usually turned to shite when they looked at things.

    Full Member

    I suppose Sunak doing very little is marginally better.  He is really weak and out of touch tho and his latest piece of stupidity is he might not honour various pay award bodies recommendations for public sector pay rises.

    Full Member

    I don’t think there’s any ‘might’ about it.

    Its pretty obvious that if the independent pay review boards come back with pay rises that Rishi and Co don’t like, which looks likely,  they’ll just ignore them

    So he’s demonstrating a Johnson-esque contempt for democracy and showing he’s just as willing to ride roughshod over institutions

    I’m pretty sure the party membership, given half a chance, would have Mad Lizzie back in heartbeat to fulfil their Poundshop Thatcher fantasies though

    Full Member

    Isn’t part of the reason for the high interest rates we now have the very polices that the mad lettuce enacted in her bonkers headlong rush to prosperity?

    And in fact, exactly what Rishi Sunak predicted would happen during the leadership campaign when he lost out to her.

    Full Member

    he might not honour various pay award bodies recommendations for public sector pay rises.

    Are these the independent pay bodies whose remit includes making sure the proposed award meets government economic targets?

    Full Member

    High interest rates is due to high inflation which in part is due to the lack of fresh lettuce.

    Full Member

    I blame those fancy foreign lettuces

    bloody immigrants!

    Full Member

    This’ll be someone in Tufton Street flying a kite via the Times to gauge reaction to Lettuce-Lizzie

    Free Member

    I think the thing that grinds Thick Lizzie’s gears more than anything right now is the relatively effortless success of Penny Mordaunt.

    Mordaunt is doing the Iron Lady thing a billion times better than Truss ever could. And doing it with better hair, better dress sense and better ‘parliamentary majorities’. 😉

    Truss is basically an insecure little girl trapped in a woman’s body – who has maneuvered herself to prominence through a dysfunctional political party and now we’re all paying the price. You can just see it in all her interactions with audiences, she oozes insecurity and the need to be popular.

    And before anyone goes down the route of saying this image stuff is misogynistic, remember it was Truss who was fuming when Sturgeon put her in her place when she said she had already been in Vogue. She’s superficial, but thinks she is a visionary. She is, in fact, deluded.

    Full Member

    She’s madder than a bucket of spiders!

    Absolutely hatstand!

    Full Member

    Is she still an MP? Crikey.

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