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  • Jeremy Corbyn
  • AlexSimon
    Full Member

    I’d be interesting in reading that opposing view 5thElefant – do you have any article links?

    Full Member

    Functioning Democracy?

    isnt it just us that have 26 free spots for Bishops in parliament

    oh wait Iran does that too, so we are in good company

    Free Member

    I’d be interesting in reading that opposing view 5thElefant – do you have any article links?

    I find it hard to believe you’ve missed this. Tories needing more votes than labour to gain a majority has been accepted wisdom for years.

    I’ll let you do the googling.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Tories needing more votes than labour to gain a majority has been accepted wisdom for years.

    True. The system is so stacked against the tories that they are proposing to correct this grave injustice by bringing in PR. Oh wait..

    Free Member

    Functioning Democracy?
    isnt it just us that have 26 free spots for Bishops in parliament
    oh wait Iran does that too, so we are in good company

    Functioning, not perfect. I’d sling the bishops and remaining hereditary lords out immediately (ditto the monarchy).

    But bracketing the UK (and Scotland in particular, with free and contested local, Scottish, UK and European elections) with Iran is just self-evidently silly.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    I’ll let you do the googling.

    ok – I’ve googled.
    Borders based on any kind of political leaning seems completely ridiculous to me. If it was done like this in the past, that that’s rubbish, but doing it again based on the same thought process seems equally skewed.

    Free Member

    Not so sure on that one – not that I agree with the outcome- but committees have to make some decisions and the party in power has the power in the committees as well so sometimes its just done to make the whole thing happen quicker. Had parliament debated this we would have the same outcome as the tories are in charge there as well.

    In this case they seem to have abused this process to pass unpopular legislation on the quiet. I am sure all Govts have done this and that is questionable.

    Free Member

    Borders based on any kind of political leaning seems completely ridiculous to me.

    They weren’t (and won’t be). It’s just the quirks of trying to create geographic constituencies when population densities vary of time.

    I can’t see how anyone could argue there aren’t too many of them, so getting rid of some can only be good. I’d keep 100, and get rid of the lords, the scottish parliament, the welsh assembly, whatever the irish ones called and go back to unpaid counsellors. We could all have our own personal nurse with the money saved.

    Free Member

    You cannot remove the Irish or the Scottish one without major issues surfacing. Which are you most keen an outbreak of the troubles in Ireland or more pushing for Scottish independence?

    Free Member

    Yeah, I know, we’re stuck with a cobbled together mess with endless pointless hangers on be paid to do nothing useful. Come the glorious revolution… *

    *and we’re back on topic.

    Free Member

    go back to unpaid counsellors.


    Free Member



    Free Member

    MPs used to be unpaid on principle but then they realised it favoured the independently wealthy since they could afford to do the job unpaid.

    Free Member

    Plus the MEPs ffs! Too many ‘members’

    Free Member

    What’s Corbyn’s pitch going to be in Scotland ? Is he going to take on the SNP head on on their record in government ? Moaning about the Tories isn’t going to het him very far up there,

    Full Member

    What’s Corbyn’s pitch going to be in Scotland ?

    Well I guess it’ll be something along the lines of labour being the real anti-austerity party, as opposed to the SNP who talk big, but deliver much less. It’s a pretty obvious line of attack, but I wonder if in addition to this, an argument that labour are much better able to deliver real change for Scotland by combining the economic and political power of Scotland and the North of England. He could for instance embrace the Northern Powerhouse concept and propose including Edinburgh and Glasgow, forming an economic and political alliance to deliver economic prosperity combined with social justice and fairness. Just an idea….

    Full Member

    What’s Corbyn’s pitch going to be in Scotland ?

    SNP baaad

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member

    What’s Corbyn’s pitch going to be in Scotland ?

    SNP baaad [/quote]

    Put them Scots to hard Labour? Get it? Hard Labour! 😆

    Free Member

    I suspected Corbyn’s tactic might be to continue being decent and nice to juxtapose the Tories’ political posturing, and hope it exposes them in the eyes of the public.

    Seems like the first part is working at least. Dave seems to be getting uglier and uglier as time goes on which is interesting as he started of by trying to look like Mr Nice.

    Free Member

    Gradually the cabinet is disappearing for PMQs, and other debates. In the chamber but not on the front benches. For those that think Corbyn is ineffectual, how do you explain this?

    Full Member

    I have no idea what you’re talking about I’m afraid. Could you explain? Cabinet disappearing? What’s this got to do with Corbyn?

    Free Member

    Corbyn has been putting the boot in a bit more lately.


    Free Member

    a slipper surely- this is the nice new world of politics, remember?

    Free Member

    He doesn’t need to call them arseholes, he can just be decent and wait for them to make arseholes out of themselves.

    Free Member

    Amusing tete-a-tete between Rees-Mogg and Dave today!

    Free Member

    He doesn’t need to call them arseholes, he can just be decent and wait for them to make arseholes out of themselves.

    Labour Election Strategy, 2010-15

    Free Member

    Implemented poorly though that time!

    Free Member

    dazh – Member
    I have no idea what you’re talking about I’m afraid. Could you explain? Cabinet disappearing? What’s this got to do with Corbyn?

    Disappearing as in not on the front benches but ‘hiding’ during PMQs, having junior ministers answer questions during debates about flagship policy while their bosses hide somewhere in the chamber. Why?

    Free Member

    Having Labour communist as a leader is really dated. You lot really need to think of something new to argue or to rebel rather than living in the bubble utopia.

    Stop saving the world! 🙄

    Start a nuclear war … reduce human population to 1/4 of it’s original size then you shall have your utopia.

    I mean on the one hand you don’t like competition but on the other hand you want to save the world … c’mon … obvious is obvious.

    Increase population leading to no competition? Ya, you lot haven’t thought through the process have you? 😆

    Full Member

    having junior ministers answer questions during debates about flagship policy while their bosses hide somewhere in the chamber.

    I see you’re suggesting that Corbyn has turned the labour party into such an effective parliamentary force that ministers are sending out cannon fodder to reap the whirlwind? An interesting theory. I have no real opinion as I don’t really watch parliamentary debates or PMQs but I’ll take your word for it 🙂

    Free Member

    Breakfast in the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos and a STW political thread. Perhaps I am seeing first hand the sort of utopia Corbyn has in mind 🙂

    Increase population leading to no competition? Ya, you lot haven’t thought through the process have you?

    Bingo ! Labour’s approach will only “work” if their is agressive state protectionism of UK jobs at any cost. There is a huge wave of supremely smart, well educated and business/life hungry Chinese and Indians (amongst others) out there ready to compete for jobs and service provision

    Free Member

    Corbyn is sending junior ministers to PMQ’s in an attemkt to “disrespect” PMQ plus he’s not very good at it, no energy

    Full Member

    Corbyn is sending junior ministers to PMQ’s in an attemkt to “disrespect” PMQ plus he’s not very good at it, no energy

    Err, wut? Corbyn can’t ‘send’ ministers to PMQs. That’s Cameron’s job. So if anyone is ‘disrespecting’ PMQs, it’s the Tories. And yes, we know you don’t like Corbyn…

    Free Member

    How could anyone not like Jc? He’s the finest comedy character since Mr Bean.

    Free Member

    The finest comedian since 5thElefant.

    he’s not very good at it, no energy

    Maybe the points he raises should be more important than his style?

    You couldn’t sound more vacuous if you tried, jam.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member
    Breakfast in the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos and a STW political thread. Perhaps I am seeing first hand the sort of utopia Corbyn has in mind

    I think you’ll find it’s Cameron that wants the UK to be a Chinese client state like Laos has been

    Free Member

    Don’t you be ruining his tabloid rants with facts…in jmabyland using facts is like cheating.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find it’s Cameron that wants the UK to be a Chinese client state like Laos has been

    Don’t you be ruining his tabloid rants with facts…in jmabyland using facts is like cheating.[/quote]

    😆 JC’s comedy act is spreading to his comrades

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