Dodgy knee & a bad back meant a fairly chilled weekend, but managed a most pleasant gentle pootle last night. Warm, dry and the Bluebells were popping!
I’ve a scratch on my shin this morning – Becasue yesterday I rode in shorts and a short sleeved tee-shirt! Rode an old route in the Chilts with some mates, and it was dry and sunny and warm and not even that muddy. We even had a beer in the garden afterwards. Miracles will never cease. Looking out the window this morning though, and it’s blowing a hooli and pissing down, so I guess that was it for the time being.
Second time in shorts this year, first time in both tee shirt and shorts. How depressing is that?
OK, I’ve put new knobbly tyres on the bike after waiting too long for drier conditions to be able to eke out another few months of service, bought some riding trousers, warmer gloves and a rain jacket.
If that doesn’t cause a hosepipe ban I don’t know what will.