I applied to my next local donation yesterday and there’s no room 🙁
Must have been the BBC article giving people a kick, which is great. I’ll try booking in to the next one.
I’ve always donated and even donated platelets every 4-5weeks for a number of years too. I’m only just eligible again after a lot of travelling just over a year ago now.
Personally I usually cycle to/from my donations (not my first half a dozen) and haven’t ever had any trouble, but I know it really seems to affect some people. One of my mates has tried twice but felt really faint for a long time afterwards. so was told to not come back again, which he was really disappointed about as he really want to be able to do it.
There’s a massive percentage of the population that can but don’t which is a shame.
Hope you’ve all got donor cards too (those of you than can/believe in it), remember we have to opt in at the moment, if you don’t have one /aren’t on the list they won’t.