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  • Is the proposed Lib Dem tax on £1 million plus homes . . .
  • DrDolittle
    Free Member

    i have a brother who has lost his leg in an accident
    has broke his pelvis twice in seperate accidents and has since retrained and works full time.

    Disregarding your brothers irresponsibility or misfortune in having so many serious accidents, who paid for his retraining in a skill that helped him get work? from my experience the govt offers nothing bar S.I.A cards occasionally, or help with constructing a cv. So did he have financial help that someone else may not have had? You can't make sweeping statements about large groups of individuals without knowing their personal circumstances. Unless of course you just want to.

    Free Member

    Ah, right, these mysterious people you have "to deal with" legend76, is your family !

    And yeah, tell your sister to get off her fat arse and do some work – she should be ashamed of herself.

    To get back to the OP, the bulk of the revenue the government raises through taxation, comes from ordinary people, not the super-rich. Despite the fact that they take a disproportionate amount of the nation's wealth.

    Free Member

    Dr Dolittle . . . yes he does have an option of more hours at work, up to about 40 I think, but he chooses to keep it to 16 (or it may be 15) for the reason I gave above.

    Oh i forgot to say he also works cash in hand for his father in law, who pays the money directly to his daughter (the blokes wife)

    I might start calling him "Dr Do-as-little-as-possible"

    Free Member

    being on benefits should not be a lifestyle option

    And in the absence of a decent wage and inexpensive housing, we should re-instate the workhouses. Maybe god will set them right.

    Free Member

    Legend, its all in your imagination mate!

    In the Neue-Arbeit big book of brave new Britain nobody is on benefits because they choose not to work, its because they're a victim of their circumstances and an evil regime that closed down the factories and mines putting them out of work.

    I mean, these people are victims, have some compassion, we need to offer them outreach workers and support programmes to help them come to terms with their victim status, and give them everything they need so that they can continue being a drain on resources find inner fulfilment

    Free Member

    …the super-rich. Despite the fact that they take create a disproportionate amount of the nation's wealth.

    There, corrected that for you Ernie.

    Free Member

    i have told her to get her fat arse to work and my brother deserves some training to get back to work because he's contributed to the system in taxes. p.s he was hit by a drunk driver so not really irrisponsible eh do little.

    Free Member

    oh and he had to prove he was disabled even tho he's only one leg! personally i'd have thought even ernie lynch could have spotted that

    Free Member

    Zulu-Eleven – Member

    Legend, its all in your imagination mate!

    LOL ! Rattyarse the nazi, turns up to give legend76 his support ! 😀


    So tell me Ratty ………. as a raving right-winger, what do you think of this ? :

    legend76 – Member

    surely its upto ourselves to get out of poverty not sit around waiting for handouts because that never works!
    just look at africa!

    Is Africa a good example of lazy people waiting for government "handouts" ?

    Free Member

    you make your own luck in life

    Free Member

    my brother deserves some training to get back to work because he's contributed to the system in taxes.

    As have I, and many others. No training for me, or anybody else I tried to help at the jobcentre. Did the DWP pay for training, or did you make that up?

    he was hit by a drunk driver

    I don't dispute that he was, but you suggest he's had a multitude of mishaps. Good for him though, getting real training that provides the skills for a real job makes a big difference when trying to bring up a family in the UK today.

    Free Member

    you make your own luck in life

    Tell that to your brother mate!

    haha, couldn't help myself…see, you don't

    make your own luck in life

    some of the time.

    Free Member

    Is Africa a good example of lazy people waiting for government "handouts" ?

    No, however its a bloody good example of people not rising up against corrupt governments and overthowing them… Until they do that then really theres no way out of their own poverty trap is there – Rhodesia Zimbabwe being a case in point, – as Legend says, sometimes you make your own luck…

    Free Member

    No, however its a bloody good example of people not rising up against corrupt governments and overthowing them… Until they do that then really theres no way out of their own poverty trap is there

    So, you're saying we are **** here in the UK unless the military join the discontents and coup the **** out of Downing street?

    Free Member

    well having as many children as possible an working as little as possible
    seems to be the norm where i live!
    i'm not sure which part of the gov he recieved training from.
    my point is this,i know some people need gov assistance but i also know that alot of people play the system,
    were i live you are looked upon as a mug if you work but its just the way i am, i like work.
    i just think that to take off people that work to give to people that don't is just a slap in the face,
    surly its better to give them an incentive

    Free Member

    but my bro has made his own luck because he's picked himself up and moved on where others would just see it as a meal ticket

    Free Member

    surly its better to give them an incentive

    Yeah, like a wage you can live on.

    i'm not sure which part of the gov he recieved training from

    He's very special if he received any training from the Govt.

    Free Member

    whats stopping them getting a wage they can live on

    Free Member

    Have you tried living on minimum wage?

    Free Member

    So you can't make up your mind if it's Rhodesia or Zimbabwe, eh Ratty ?

    I guess that old colonial mentality still lingers deep inside you ……. oh, how like Enoch Powell, you must miss the Empire aye ? And all those great towering figures such as Cecil Rhodes …….

    So Zimbabwe is 'a bloody good example of people not rising up against a corrupt government and overthrowing it'
    LOL ! ……. yeah the Zimbabwean people are just sitting back and doing nothing to oppose Robert Mugabe !

    Free Member

    yeah i have then i changed career and did something about it.instead of wollowing in self pity thinking the world owed me a favour!

    Free Member

    yeah i have then i changed career and did something about it.instead of wollowing in self pity thinking the world owed me a favour!

    How did you afford to train up in something? I'm interested, as it costs 5k to get a trade in the UK (assuming you are an adult). How did you support yourself while training? What career did you go for by the way?

    Free Member

    i was a pipe fitter for eight years and now i'm a taxi driver

    Free Member

    C'mon, would be easy for the people to overthrow Mugabe, theres millions of them agains a fairly small core of government clinging onto power – I seem to remember several Eastern European states toppling their governments in bloodless revolutions in recent times,

    why would it be impossible for the Rhodesians to rise up against Bob? and I call them that because if you remember, it was they who rose up and got rid of their previous administration…

    Certainly its as easy as it would be for us to do it here in the UK, all it takes is a bit of commitment and a popular movement

    Free Member

    true how hard can it be to move the old boys club

    Free Member

    C'mon, would be easy for the people to overthrow Mugabe, theres millions of them

    Well I guess they must just love him then Ratty.

    Free Member

    Good for you Legend76. I'm surprised though that someone doing a poorly paid tiresome job would be so dismissive of people forced into even worse paid work that wouldn't support a family, or an individual in many cases without "top up" benefits.

    Free Member

    No, they don't love him, they're just largely apathetic, wont take responsibility for themselves and are waiting for someone to do it for them… 😉

    in just the same way that a significant proportion of those on social benefits in the UK are lazy feckless bastards who cant be arsed taking responsibility for themselves and getting a job, when they get paid very handsomely for doing nob all.

    Free Member

    So just like Africa then ?

    Well **** me, legend76 was right, after all 😯

    Free Member

    in just the same way that a significant proportion of those on social benefits in the UK are lazy feckless bastards who cant be arsed taking resposibility for themselves and getting a job, when they get paid very handsomely for doing nob all.

    Taking a job and earning much less would be something only a dumb African would do though, eh labrat?

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