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  • Informing insurance of an accident
  • theotherjonv
    Full Member

    My wife had a minor scrape in my company car, causing damage but no major harm. It’s been claimed though the co insurance so it’s me that has had to do all the claim form although she has been named as the driver.

    Now, she has her own car too and her own insurance policy. Does she have to inform her insurance that she had an accident even though she didn’t make a claim on it?

    What about if the co insurance is 3rd party only? ie no claim at all, the co just pays our own repairs. Does she still have to inform her company?

    Free Member

    It’ll depend on what exactly she’s asked by her own ins company

    Full Member

    It depends on the exact words used when she’s getting quotes/renewal/terms. But generally they ask not just if you’ve made claims but if you’ve had any claims or accidents (or incidents) in the past so many years. So yes in that case she should declare it.

    If it goes through the company insurance and the insurance company pay for the repairs (as I understand it) it will go on the insurance databases and so any insurance cmpany could find it she’d made the claim. I reckon they only would if she were to claim on her policy though and would then declare it void due to undeclared information and pay nothing.

    Full Member

    she’s not being asked anything but is there a duty to disclose the fact?

    Full Member

    Check the terms of the policy. But almost certainly yes.

    Free Member

    I work for a big company who only have third party insurance so if i were to scrape my car on a wall or something, it would not be paid by insurance but by the company themselves…..not sure how this would look on the insurance database as it’s not a claim…..may be worth checking how your company insurance scheme works.

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