Home Forums Chat Forum How the hell do you deal with Jehovah’s

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  • How the hell do you deal with Jehovah’s
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    I am generally quite a tolerant person despite what it may appear on here.

    I am also staunchly atheist with a long list of reasons why. A fair few of them based on evidence (and more than one book). Other opinions may vary, i would rather keep out of the conversation but if pressed i am not going to hold back if being preached.

    So being polite often leads me to getting a bit um… Mischievous, pointing out the hypocrisy etc. they certainly aren’t leaving thinking they turned someone. And i feel like i have wasted my time.

    I could try being rude… But that’s rude. Also i see these people most day on the street.

    Annoyingly the dog loves visitors so they nearly always get a foot inbefore i open my mouth!

    So given the dog in uncooperative whats is the polite version of releasing the hounds/turning the hose on them?

    Free Member

    I have a fair amount of tattoos and piercings, the issue resolves itself

    Full Member

    “Ooh, sorry, can’t talk now. I’m just off out to a blood donation appointment” – could you try that approach?

    Full Member

    I have a fun story about this, will try and type it up later

    Full Member

    No, that’s all nonsense, bye.

    Full Member

    “No thankyou, not interested, bye”

    Close door.

    Go about your day.

    Full Member

    I grew up in the middle of nowhere. 5 miles from the nearest town, a mile down a forest track. Imagine my teenage surprise when there was a knock at the door. Imagine their surprise as TOTP2 plays in the background ‘I am the god of hell fire, and I bring you…!’ Crazy World of Arthur Brown. I took a leaflet ‘to give to my mum’, and they left.

    My grandfather used to invite them in for a cup of tea and to try and covert them to his communist atheist ways. “You know I think it’s a load of old nonsense, but come on in and we can talk about it”.

    Free Member

    My wife has used sorry I need to pick my child up from the catholic school which wasn’t a lie the first time she used it.

    I used to work nights and had a sign on the door saying night worker sleeping please do not disturb, when I was woken by the knocking at the door, I went down in my boxers and t-shirt not a pretty sight to find a couple at the door, I explained they had woken me and they apologised and started their speil, I said not interested and they carried on, so I shouted up the stairs, bring my shotgun down JW’s at the door and they beat a retreat.

    Free Member

    Have a nice chat. The better you know the bible the less time it’ll take for you to tie them in knots. Of all the witnesses who’ve knocked on the door only two came back for more. One I came to consider as a friend/worthy adversary so I invited him in for coffee when he called. He knocked on the door for a non religious chat when he left the region. Only one pair degenerated into a slanging match, they’d lost.

    Free Member

    So given the dog in uncooperative whats is the polite version of releasing the hounds/turning the hose on them?

    Show them a video of George Carlin talking about religion

    Free Member

    When we were students, we were gits! my house mate said that actually he was really interested in what they had to say, but stated we were off to a lecture and were they about in next few days, quite surprised i think that people were engaged with them, they said they would come back next day.

    They duly called round next day, in which time my house mate Pete had painted a load of old bed sheets with satanic symbols and hung them up, and got a ouija board on table and fashioned a cloak.

    They didn’t stay long!!!

    Full Member

    Saw some ring doorbell footage on social media where the guy answered via the doorbell saying I’m just having a wa*k mate won’t be long :-)

    Full Member

    Why do you not want to be rude?  they start it by knocking on your door uninvited to try to convert you – that is very rude.

    Just a simple “go away and don’t come back”  But I would be much ruder than that.

    Full Member

    There isn’t a polite version of that is there : ) And I expect they develop the thick skin of a door to door salesman, or they’re actually hurting inside if they can’t. Be nice, it’s better for them and you. Just say thanks for their visit but it’s not for you right now. Ultimately they’re doing it out of care for others, we could appreciate that even if we’re not interested.

    Trying to convince someone of faith they’re wrong or trying to ‘outsmart’ them is pointless and comes from ego – atheism takes a level of faith just like religious belief does. There is no evidence for or against any religion, it’s purely a matter of faith. We don’t fully understand the universe or our own brains. Yet I think those preaching to the non-believers do it from a sense of care or duty so I see it a bit differently when it’s that way round, I’d give them a break. I’ve got zero time for hypocritical fundamentalists who twist words into unkind meanings though.

    Full Member

    So being polite often leads me to getting a bit um… Mischievous, pointing out the hypocrisy etc. they certainly aren’t leaving thinking they turned someone.

    This doesn’t strike me as polite.

    And i feel like i have wasted my time.

    I’ve found the best strategy is just to be direct and straight to the point. Sorry, I’m not interested/don’t have the time/it’s not really my thing.

    That way you don’t set any false expectations, stand awkwardly listening for 45 minutes, and they can use that time talking to people who are interested. Works for everybody.

    Full Member

    they start it by knocking on your door uninvited to try to convert you – that is very rude.

    It’s not rude unless you have a sign up that says ‘no cold callers’ etc? If not, they’re simply trying to do what they see as a good thing. If you disagree that’s fine but can’t we just be more tolerant of people who have good intentions even if they’re also odd by some people’s standards?

    I like your grandad.

    Free Member

    If they are female, I quote Timothy 2:12 to them “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” and then show my concern that they are going against God’s word by trying to educate me.

    Nothing against any religion, but if they have the right to knock on my door to try and convert me, then it’s only fair that I’m allowed to try and unconvert them.

    Free Member

    Actually, i realised i simply say not interested

    this has come from 20 years in IT and cold callers on the phone wasting my time trying to sell me stuff that i would go off and find myself without them interrupting me. I think i literally just say not interested, good bye and hang up the phone/close the door

    Full Member

    atheism takes a level of faith

    No it does not – its the opposite of faith.  Faith is believing in something without evidence.  atheism is Not believing something without evidence.

    Ultimately they’re doing it out of care for others, we could appreciate that even if we’re not interested.

    No they are not – they are doing it as its a required part of their religion.  they are doing it for themselves only

    Free Member

    I used to work with some, they never raised religion at work but didn’t hide their faith. Objectively they were model citizens: hard working, affable, no trouble to anyone, happy family lives… . Anyhow the hawkers, con men, charities, polls etc.  get much shorter shrift.

    Free Member

    They get one go at ‘not interested thanks’,  then I’d go straight to ‘**** off’, but I’ve never had to- they just go.

    The key for me is be polite if you can, but don’t leave the slightest wiggle room- say you are busy and they will return ‘at a better time’

    I actually used to live next door to a JW couple, lovely people, it was years before I even knew, I think they must have evolved some kind of don’t evangelise on your own doorstep exchange scheme over the years

    Full Member

    “Sorry – not interested. Bye”

    There’s no need to be rude, angry or to waste anyone’s time.

    Full Member

    I just tell them it’s naked insert day here and they’re welcome to join me for a while. Give me 2 mins to get ready

    They usually leave

    Full Member

    never had them at the door, but my mates mum lives over the road and she’s a Jehovah (church of latter day gubbins?) so no surprise they’ve never turned up…don’t shit on your own doorstep and all that jazz

    Free Member

    Ultimately they’re doing it out of care for others, we could appreciate that even if we’re not interested.

    If they don’t try and convert people they don’t make it onto the goodlist and thats bad come the rapture  i would say  thats teetering ont he edge of bloody selfish, especially as they are pretty clear on the numbers and that they won’t all make it!

    Free Member

    Atheism is faith in all those “theories” that you use to debase religion, TJ. I’m a geologist and scientist so the philosophy of doubt stops me making statements I can’t prove. If people ask I say I’m agnostic. I’m not at all fond of organised religion but very tolerant of people’s individual faith.

    Full Member

    Why do you not want to be rude?

    Because IME they are only ever extraordinarily polite

    Why would you want to be rude to an elderly West Indian woman (which is typical in my manor) who kindly offers to help you spiritually?

    To politely decline works fine for me and I genuinely don’t understand people who some sort of problem interacting with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Free Member

    they are female, I quote Timothy 2:12 to them “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” and then show my concern that they are going against God’s word by trying to educate me.

    Thats getting a plaque by the door. I won’t quote it. I will just aske them to read it allowed.

    Full Member

    I once had two come round whilst I was trying to shear an Angora goat in my yard. You can walk into said yard off the lane so they had kind of let themselves in on the way towards the kitchen door.

    I had the goat in position and this was quite an achievement as it was a wriggly little item so I wasn’t going to stop just to debate religion. I told them (or technically I told the goat’s stomach which filled most of my field of vision) that I was quite happy with my beliefs and continued shearing. Hand shears are quite large and pointy and when I glanced up they were backing away very satisfactorily.

    These days I’ve met a few more ex-JHs who have described just how horrible a cult it is from the inside and who have been really damaged by it. If I get chance I  am much more forthright about my view that it’s actually an enormously nasty organisation that has harmed many of its members. The lion lying with the lamb on judgement day is obvious bollocks but the pain it’s causing real people through shame, control and manipulation in the here and now is horrible.

    Full Member

    Stood at the bus stop once and was approached with the question “have you ever wondered why we’re here?”

    Obvious answer, I’m waiting for the 261

    Free Member

    “Sorry – not interested. Bye”

    There’s no need to be rude, angry or to waste anyone’s time.

    This is the way.

    Free Member

    They appear in pairs every couple of years, always very polite, but it’s only ever been a simple “I don’t believe in god and I’m not interested in discussing it, thanks, bye”

    Ricky Gervais’ take on the fact that there are over 3000 different gods recognized around the world and that someone as say a catholic, believes in one god and rejects all others means that I believe in just one less god than they do :)

    Full Member

    A chap I used to work with is one, which I found strange because he would question everything and would require proof before he accepted what was said.

    So to believe such a strict religion was astonishing.

    Free Member

    but the pain it’s causing real people through shame, control and manipulation in the here and now is horrible.

    You do realise that your head of state is also the head of the COE and that however secular you’d like to think your state is the system of law and morality you live to is based on the same book the Jehovahs use. See all the tittle tattle in the press, that’s Leviticus for you. Even the Jehovas distance themselves from some of Moses stuff. Have a chat with them. ;)

    Full Member

    My gran (VERY Irish Catholic) had a brother who converted and became a Jehovah’s Witness. He was involved in a car accident and died, completely needlessly, rather than receive blood in what would have been a routine procedure.

    I was at her house when the Jehovah’s turned up one evening. I’d give you a complete rundown of the brief conversation/tirade that led to them leaving fairly sharpish, but I’d definitely break the swear filter

    To summarise: they’re a gang of ****ing ****s and they can **** right off!

    And that’s coming from a catholic.

    Full Member

    I have CCTV that covers my door, if I don’t recognise the person and aren’t expecting a delivery I don’t get off my sofa :p

    Full Member

    Does your front door not have a “close” function?  Mine does.

    atheism takes a level of faith

    Atheism is faith in all those “theories” that you use to debase religion

    Nonsense. Atheism is an absence of faith.  Belief in the supernatural requires faith, disbelief in the supernatural does not.

    This line of reasoning (along with ‘agnostic’) is straw-grasping from religion.  You can’t actually reject it, not really.  You don’t mean it, you kind of slightly believe a bit still, don’t you?  Tell you what, I’ll come back when you’re dying, see if you’ve changed your mind.

    Full Member

    Ultimately they’re doing it out of care for others, we could appreciate that even if we’re not interested.

    That’s bollocks – they want you to be as brainwashed as them. It’s a recruitment drive, nothing less.

    Full Member

    I was brought up as one.
    It literally took me decades to break free from it,
    It’s a nasty controlling cult, who want to control every aspect of a person’s life. I remember an elder asking me when i was 14/15 how often i masturbated, “every day and twice on Tuesdays”
    I spoke to my mum about it, she fixed him.
    My dad knows nothing about it, or the guy would probably have been in a wheelchair.
    That said, there’s no reason to be rude to anyone, basic manners innit.
    I never leave them in any doubt.

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