Ordered a new helmet and another cassette from an online retailer which also has a physical presence.
They put the cassette in the same box that the helmet is shipped in (not their own box, but the one that says “Kask” in big letters on the side). Can’t see any dents to the helmet or squished corners on the box holding the cassette, but it makes you wonder about the mentality of the person who did it since there was plenty of room in the main box for it to go.
I’d normally return for a replacement as I’m not convinced that a helmet should be used as packing material for metal objects, but as it was a Cycle2Work order I don’t think it’s worth the hassle – unless you more educated people think that it’s a terrible idea to use it?
(not only that but it would go straight back into the warehouse and then be sold to someone completely unaware of its history)